Area & Production
  Area of Coconut, 2011-2016  ( PDF )
  Production of Coconuts in copra equivalent, 2011-2016  ( PDF )
  Production of Coconuts in whole nuts, 2011-2016  ( PDF )
  Production of Copra, 2011-2016  ( PDF )
  Supply and Demand Balance of Coconut Oil 2011-2016  ( PDF )
Estimated Domestic Consumption
  Coconut Oil, 2010-2014  ( PDF )
  Copra Meal, 2010-2014  ( PDF )
  Copra, 2010-2014  ( PDF )
  Desiccated of Coconut, 2010-2014  ( PDF )
Export Tax & Imports Duty of Coconut Products
  Fiji  ( PDF )
  FS Micronesia  ( PDF )
  India  ( PDF )
  Indonesia  ( PDF )
  Jamaica  ( PDF )
  Kenya  ( PDF )
  Kiribati  ( PDF )
  Malaysia  ( PDF )
  Marshall Islands  ( PDF )
  Papua New Guinea  ( PDF )
  Philippines  ( PDF )
  Samoa  ( PDF )
  Solomon Islands  ( PDF )
  Sri Lanka  ( PDF )
  Thailand  ( PDF )
  Tonga  ( PDF )
  Vanuatu  ( PDF )
  Vietnam  ( PDF )

Exports & Imports

Conversion rates of Coconut Products
  India  ( PDF )
  Philippines  ( PDF )
Monthly Average Rainfall
  Indonesia  ( PDF )
  Philippines  ( PDF )
  November 2018  ( PDF )