The Secretariat of the Community is located in Jakarta, Indonesia. Host facilities to the Secretariat are provided by the Government of Indonesia under an agreement signed by the two parties. Secretariat coordinates the activities of the Community with the member states through a network of National Liaison Officers drawn from government agencies that are responsible for the coconut industry in the respective countries. They in turn liaise with the national agencies, private sector and individuals who are interested in the coconut industry in their countries.

The Secretariat is headed by the Executive Director who is elected by the Session for a specified period and is assisted by an Assistant Director whose assignment is made through selection by the Session. The Executive Director appoints all other staff of the Secretariat on the terms and condition established by the Session.

The Secretariat is located at:

8th Floor BAPPEBTI Building

Jl. Kramat Raya No. 172

Kenari, Senen, Jakarta, Indonesia 10430

Phone +62 21 3100556-557

Fax +62 21 3101007




Uron N. Salum | Executive Director
Nationality:Papua New Guinea
Mridula Kottekate | Assistant Director
Alit Pirmansah | Market Development Officer
Rully Safriani K. | Administrative & Finance Officer
Muhartoyo | Documentalist
Maria Widiastuti | Secretary