
Coconut Germplasm Data Management


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CGRD version 6.1

In 1999, the COGENT Steering Committee took the decision to release the Coconut Genetic Resources Database (CGRD) into the public domain, in order to make accessible and disseminate this useful information, and to create public awareness about coconut genetic resources (source: minutes of the 8th COGENT Steering Committee held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 20-22 September 1999).  

The CGRD project was initiated in 1994. Until 2002, the project was funded by the French Government and implemented by CIRAD (French Agricultural Research for Development), in collaboration with COGENT member countries and Bioversity International. Its objective is to facilitate data storage and exchange among the members of the COGENT network. This will enable coconut breeders to access data on coconut cultivars.

Thanks to the project “Upgrading international coconut genebanks and evaluating accessions” funded by the Global Crop Diversity Trust, the Coconut Genetic Resources Database has been updated and improved to comply with international standards. Here is the test new version (CGRD6.1) of the software, available from June 2012. 


Genesys Multicrop Database

Genesys is a global multicrop portal providing access to information on germplasm accessions. Genesys is supported by the Secretariat of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), in partnership with Bioversity International (Bioversity) and the Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT).

The Coconut germplasm data available in the Coconut Genetic Resources Database (CGRD6.0) was transmitted to Genesys on June 2012 in the framework of the  project  “Upgrading international coconut genebanks and evaluating accessions” funded by the Global Crop Diversity Trust; as of 23th August 2012, the Coconut Germplasm is not yet visible, but it will become available soon.

The overall goal of the Genesys portal is to provide users with improved access to the millions of accessions held in genebanks worldwide. In fact, information beyond the identifying passport data -traditionally available in online genebank systems- has been made available to plant breeders, scientists and other users.


Tropgene Database

TropGeneDB is an information system initially developed by CIRAD (French agricultural research for development) to manage various kinds of data on tropical and Mediterranean plants, including the coconut palm.

It is a Web application based on MySQL databases (one per crop) that can be queried using Java customizable interfaces automatically generated to fit the databases contents. TropGeneDB can record crop information on:

- molecular markers, QTLs, genetic and physical maps

- genetic diversity, association and linkage disequilibrium studies

- phenotypic diversity studies based on agro-morphological traits or traits measuring the susceptibility/resistance to aggression (diseases, salinity, drought)

- geographic origin, parentage, collection, ecology

Data on the following 10 crops are currently recorded in TropGeneDB: banana, cocoa, coconut, coffee, cotton, oil palm, rice, rubber tree, sorghum, sugarcane. Data on new plants (alfalfa, grapevine, tomato, millet and einkorn) will be soon added to the system.

All the data in TropGeneDB are public and have already been published in scientific papers. People wishing to submit data may download submission templates which consist of Microsoft Excel files. See instructions for filling in the templates which should then be sent to TropGeneDB. 


Coconut Time Line

Key knowledge on the coconut palm and where to find the information. Scroll down and click on a period for a list of references to publications for those years or search the entire database of some 12,000 entries for words and phrases.
