



COGENT embraces 39 coconut-producing member-countries, representing more than 98% global production. COGENT aims to strengthen international collaboration in conservation
and use of coconut genetic resources; promote improving coconut production and boost linked livelihoods.


  • COGENT network is the only global entity able to GENERATE a world vision of the status of the biodiversity and genetic resources of the coconut crop.
  • COGENT’s existence is RECOGNIZED by FAO and UN as crucial to protect and ensure the food security of the future generations of coconut farmers and stakeholders.
  • Without genetic resources preservation, the capacity of adaptation of this specific crop to challenges such as climate change, pest, disease or urbanization will be jeopardized. Thus, the MONETARY EQUILIBRIUM of millions of people on the planet will be threatened.


To FORMULATE key strategies as sustainable solutions for effective management of germplasm conservation and exchange of quality genetic resources and utilize the rich
biological diversity of the crop. These key strategies will provide the benchmark for effectively implementing the comprehensive conservation and research agenda proposed
by the international coconut research community, as a route to the enhanced wellbeing of millions of coconut smallholders across the globe.

More specifically COGENT:

  • To ESTABLISH the socioeconomic and ecological key determinants of the value of coconut conservation and exchange of genetic resources amongcountries for the welfare of coconut farming communities and the industry stakeholders.
  • To DEVELOP economically viable schemes that will provide benefits to coconut farming communities in the germplasm conservation and exchangeof accessions.
  • To IDENTIFY promising germplasm in coconut breeding programs for increased productivity, improved product quality traits and resilience toclimate change for use of the major coconut growing countries.
  • To SET a unified direction of the global strategy plan thru crafting of a road map towards a sustainable and effective coconut genetic conservation forbiodiversity protection and germplasm utilization.