Snow Ball Tender Nut


Snow ball tender nut is a delicate coconut with no husk, shell, or testa that is round, soft, and white in color. Snow ball sensitive nut can be made with an 8-month-old coconut. Inserting a straw into the top white tender coconut kernel allows you to drink the tender coconut water. A snow ball nut machine invented by the Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI) in Kasaragod, Kerala, is used to create a groove in the shell. The snow ball is scooped out of the shell by putting a scooping instrument between the tender kernel and the shell. Because the sensitive coconut water is not exposed to the atmosphere, it preserves its sterility. If the sensitive nut is separately packed and chilled under hygienic circumstances, the shelf life can be extended to more than 10 days.

Snow Ball Tender Nut A Nutritive And Snac

Coconut is probably the only tropical crop commercially cultivated extensively in about 86 countries especially on the small and marginal holdings. In all the coconut growing countries, a portion of coconut is harv ested at tender stage (5 to 8 months) for using the tender coconut water as beverage. In... read more