The Government of Riau Province Invited ICC to an FGD on Coconut Sector Development


In order to develop the economic potential of the people in Riau Province, especially coconut plantations, the Riau Province Government through the Research and Development Planning Agency (Bappedalitbang) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the International Coconut Community (ICC), at the Bappedalitbang Office, Riau, on Wednesday 26 January 2022. Head of Riau Bappedalitbang, Ir. Emri Juli Harnis, M.T, Ph.D. said that the Riau Provincial Government has the greatest potential in the field of the largest coconut plantations in Indonesia. Riau is the largest coconut-producing area in Indonesia. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the agricultural sector in Indonesia still showed... read more

Inclusive Coconut – Agribusiness Model


A webinar on “Inclusive Coconut-Agribusiness Model” was conducted by the International Coconut Community (ICC) on 16th December 2021. The webinar was attended by more than 100 people virtually, from 19 countries.

The objectives of conducting this webinar are to share the rural coconut sugar-based business model, the integrated coconut agribusiness model and to discuss the challenges and potential of the coconut industry to support an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable partner development and the lives of millions of smallholder farmers, as well as to those in play involved in the production, processing and marketing of coconut products.

Dr.... read more

ICC-ITC Technical Panel Discussion to Reinforce Learning


International Coconut Community (ICC) in collaboration with International Trade Centre (ITC) have organized webinar on “Production, Processing and Marketing of Coconut Milk, Cream and Yogurt” on 30 November 2021 and "Coconut Water, Production, Processing and Sustainable Coconut Water Value Chain" on 10 December 2021. Panel discussion on both the topics to clarify and reinforce learning was conducted on 14th December. 60 participants from the ITC alliances countries attended the event. This panel discussion was the last of the series of collaborative events of ICC & ITC.

The discussion started with the introductory remarks by Mr. William Rodriquez, ITC, who was... read more