Coconut Milk


Coconut milk is a versatile and natural ingredient that is often utilized in Asian and Indian cuisines. It's an oil-in-water emulsion made from coconut flesh aqueous extract. The coconut kernel is fragmented with a rotary wedge cutter, then pressed and squeezed to remove the milk from the kernel with hot water. Following extraction, the milk is filtered to remove solids before being pasteurized to kill microorganisms. Increasing the temperature of the water during extraction has no significant effect. Repeated extractions increase the amount of milk produced. Coconut milk can be used as a substitute for cow milk by lactose intolerant individuals.The fresh coconut milk serves as a valuable food for children suffering from nutritional deficiency. It has more vitamin A content than the coconut itself and has adequate minerals. It was found that the coconut milk extracted with water at 80°C and having pH of 8 was yielded milk with highest total solids. Coconut milk can be taken raw or used as a milk substitute in coffee, tea, and as a yoghurt alternative when blended with fruits. Coconut milk contains a variety of nutrients that have several health benefits. Magnesium modulates blood sugar levels, phosphate strengthens bones, selenium decreases joint inflammation, and manganese helps to prevent osteoporosis. Lauric acid in coconut milk functions as an antiviral and antibacterial agent. A daily dose of 10 to 20 grams of lauric acid is recommended, which can be acquired from 6 to 12 ounces of good quality coconut milk. Coconut milk also helps to lower the risk of heart disease.

Coconut milk is an oil-protein – water emulsion extracted from fresh grated coconut kernel. It is obtained by manual or mechanical extraction of comminuted coconut meat, with or without water. Coconut milk is healthy, vegan alternative to dairy milk. Coconut milk does not contain lactose and is lower in carbohydrates than dairy milk, which can be consumed by people who are lactose-intolerant or just don't enjoy the taste of dairy milk.

Although regular canned coconut milk is higher in calories and fat than whole dairy milk, the plant-based saturated fat in coconut milk may provide health benefits not found in the animal-based saturated fat in dairy milk. The composition of coconut milk depends on the amount of water used for the extraction, affecting significantly moisture and fat content. Freshly extracted coconut milk has a pH of 6. Coconut milk is rich in proteins such as albumin, globulin, prolamin and glutein.

Coconut milk also has several nutritional advantages and serves as a superior source of several essential nutrients. Coconut milk serves as a much richer source of niacin, also called vitamin B-3, than regular milk. Dairy milk contains lactose, a type of sugar that is difficult for many people to digest. Niacin along with other B-complex vitamins helps in metabolizing the nutrients in food. It is also a rich source of Iron and Copper. Furthermore, coconut milk is lower in sugar than dairy milk, which is beneficial to limit carbohydrates in diet.

Coconut milk has tremendous importance especially in Ayurvedic traditional medicinal purposes. It is generally used to maintain the electrolyte balance and to rule out dehydration losses. Also, it is used for treatment of ulcers in the mouth. Some recent studies have suggested that coconut milk has anti-microbial properties in the gastrointestinal tract, hyperlipidemic balancing qualities and useful for topical applications. In addition, the coconut milk contains lauric acid as saturated fat which has medicinal utilities in the cardiovascular system. Coconut milk also possesses lauric acid in appreciable quantity. It is a saturated fatty acid which elevates high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in blood. It has been proven through research that the coconut oil is much better in comparison to saturated fats due to the health risks imposed by the latter. Coconut milk is rich in medium chain fatty acids. Medium chain fatty acids do not increase the cholesterol level in the blood and yet helps in body weight maintenance.

This Standard applies to packaged aqueous coconut milk and coconut cream products, as defined in Section 2, and offered for direct consumption, including for catering purposes or for repacking if required. It does not apply to the product when indicated as being intended for further processing or to sweetened and/or flavored coconut milk or cream.

Description of the product
2.1. (a) prepared by:
i) using a significant amount of separated, whole, disintegrated, macerated or comminuted fresh endosperm (kernel) of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) and expelled, where most filterable fibres and residues are excluded, with or without coconut water, and/or with additional water; or 
ii)    reconstituting coconut cream powder with potable water; or
iii)    dispersing finely comminuted dehydrated coconut endosperm with potable water; or
iv)    combining (i) and (iii) above.

(b) processed by heat, in an appropriate manner, before or after being hermetically sealed   in a container, so as to prevent spoilage.

2.2. Styles
Light coconut milk shall be the product obtained from either the bottom portion of centrifuged coconut milk or by further dilution of coconut milk and complies with the requirements in Section 3 of this Standard.
Coconut milk is the dilute emulsion of comminuted coconut endosperm (kernel) in water with the soluble and the suspended solids distributed and complies with the requirements in Section 3 of this Standard.

Codex (CXS 240-2003)
MS (Malaysian Standard) 2684:2017 
TIS (Thailand Industrial Standard) 583-1985 and TIS 582-1988 
SLS (Sri Lanka Standard) SLS1365
FSSAI (Food Safety & Standard Authority of India)


A. Light Coconut Milk

Moisture Content (% m/m) Max 93.4
Total Solids (% m/m) 6.6-12.6
Solids Not-Fat (% m/m) Min 1.6
Fat (% m/m) Min 5.0
pH Min 5.9
E Coli 0157 and Vero or Shiga toxin producing E. coli Must not found in100 ml sample
Staphylococcus aureus (Coagulase +ve) <10 colony/1g sample
Sulfide reducing clostridia (SRC) <100 colony per 1 g sample
Salmonella Must not found in 25g sample
Water Activity (at 25+2°C) < 0.6
Peroxide value (mg oxygen peroxide equivalent per 1 kg) < 30
Bacillus cereus <100 colony per 1 g sample
Coliform <2.2 per 100 ml sample
Yeast & Molds <100 colony per 1 g sample

B. Coconut Milk

Moisture Content (% m/m) Max 87.3
Total Solids (% m/m) 12.7-25.3
Solids Not-Fat (% m/m) Min 2.7
Fat (% m/m) Min 20.0
pH Min 5.9
E Coli 0157 and Vero or Shiga toxin producing E. coli Must not found in100 ml sample
Staphylococcus aureus (Coagulase +ve) <10 colony/1g sample
Sulfide reducing clostridia (SRC) <100 colony per 1 g sample
Salmonella Must not found in 25g sample
Water Activity (at 25+2°C) < 0.6
Peroxide value (mg oxygen peroxide equivalent per 1 kg) < 30
Bacillus cereus <100 colony per 1 g sample
Coliform <2.2 per 100 ml sample
Yeast & Molds <100 colony per 1 g sample

5.1. It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this Standard be prepared and handled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice – General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969), Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice for Aseptically Processed and Packaged Low-Acid Foods (CAC/RCP 40-1993), Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice for Low-Acid and Acidified Low-Acid Canned Foods (CAC/RCP 23-1979) and other relevant Codex texts such as codes of hygienic practice and codes of practice.
5.2. The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with the Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997).

Labelling and Packaging
The name of the food on the label shall be “Coconut Milk”. The provisions of the General Standard for the labelling of Pre-packaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1 – 1985, Rev. 7 - 2010) shall apply.

Methods of Analysis and Sampling
-    ISO 1211 | IDF 1 for Total fats
-    ISO 6731 | IDF 21 for Total solids
-    ISO 1211 | IDF 1, ISO 6731 | IDF 21 for Non-fat solids
-    ISO 6731 | IDF 21 for Moisture

The Succes Story Of Thailand's Exportation Of Coconut Milk

C anned Coconut milk has been available worldwide for more than twenty years. According to the information from the United States, the Philippines was the first country which exports canned coconut milk for Philippine consumption in the U.S. Perhaps at that time, most consumers were Philippine, as Thai, Laotian, and... read more

Coconut Milk, Healthy If Consumed In Moderation

It is often said that curries cooked with coconut milk are bad for health. New research, however, a vital ingredient in the traditional cuisine of Southeast Asia, can be part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation as it does have positive functions, according to French nutritional biochemist Professor... read more

Advanced Processing Technologies For Coconut Milk, Coconut Cream , Coconut Mlik Powder And VCO

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Importers/Consumers Requirements And Market Potential Of DC And Coconut Milk/Cream Products

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Small Scale Production Of Pasteurized Coconut Milk

As a major coconut producing country Indonesia has a large area under coconut. Based on the 2003 Statistics the total coconut area was 3,882,556 hectares with the total production of 3,229,251 tons. To obtain higher benefits from coconut products, product diversification and value addition need to be implemented.

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This article was written with two goals. The first is to show that coconut milk is an important product, at least to those in­ volved in the production of coconuts. The second is to suggest how the market for preserved coconut milk might be expanded.


We will first review... read more

Preparation and Quality Assessment of Yoghurt Prepared from Dairy Milk and Coconut (Cocos nucifera, L) Milk

Yoghurt was produced using dairy and coconut milk. Five variants of yoghurt namely plain dairy and coconut yoghurt (variant I), dairy and coconut yoghurt with natural grape pulp (variant II), dairy and coconut yoghurt with synthetic grape flavour (variant III), dairy and coconut yoghurt with natural pineapple pulp (variant IV)... read more

Preparation and Quality Assessment of Yoghurt Prepared from Dairy Milk and Coconut (Cocos nucifera, L) Milk

Author: S. R. Priya

Yoghurt was produced using dairy and coconut milk. Five variants of yoghurt namely plain dairy and coconut yoghurt (variant I), dairy and coconut yoghurt with natural grape pulp (variant II), dairy and coconut yoghurt with synthetic grape flavour (variant III), dairy and coconut... read more

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