This article was written with two goals. The first is to show that coconut milk is an important product, at least to those in volved in the production of coconuts. The second is to suggest how the market for preserved coconut milk might be expanded.
We will first review how coconut milk is consumed, for what purposes and in what quantity. Next we will look at the different kinds of preserved coconut milk. Finally, we will consider how the market for preserved coconut milk might be bolstered by standardizing its quality.
APCC, Coconut Statistical Yearbook, Asian and Pacific Coconut Community, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1982.
FAO, Fats and Oils Team, Commodities and Trade Division, Rome "The World Coconut Situation and Outlook," Manila, 1979.
FAO, 1983 FAO Production Yearbook, Table 46 page 153.
Leonard, Jonathan Norton, "Latin American Cooking", and also "Recipes : Latin American Cooking", Time Life Books, New York, 1968.
Pflug, I.F. and T.E. Odlaug, "A Review of Z and F values used to ensure the safely of low acid canned food", Food Tech., 78 June, 1976.
Steinberg, Rafael, "Pacific and Southeast Asian Cooking", and "Recipes: Pacific and Southeast Asian Cooking", Time¬ Life Books, 1972.
UCAP, United Coconut Association of the Philippines, "Coconuts Todays", p. 170, 1983.
van der Post, Laurens, "African Cooking : and "Recipes : African Cooking, Time Life Books, 1970.
Vis Culinary Division, "300 Asian Best Recipes", Vista Productions Ltd., Hong Kong, 1979.