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Current And Future Market For Coconut Products In China

The present situation of  coconut industry of  China was introduced, especially the current and future markets for  coconut products in China. Coconut planting area are 423,00 hectare, 42258 hectare of  Hainan province accounting 99 % in China but small proportion in the total global coconut planting area. There are more than 300 coconut processing enterprises and more than 30 types, 200 varieties coconut products were produced in China each year, mainly focus on food  series, non-food series and handicrafts. In future, coconut products market in China is still mainly traditional processing industry. New product will be the improvement and upgrade of  the traditional food, following the health, nutrition, and professional direction. In recent years, coconut economic added value has been increased with the increase of  the deep processing of  coconut. As the result, the coconut products in China in future will be prosperous.

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