Fresh Ideas With Coconut

Gourmet Recipes Creative Ideas Coconut Facts

Reviewer Read

The Complete Coconut Oil Handbook

Reviewer Read

The Coconut Flour Gourmet

Reviewer Read

Coconut Water For Health And Healing

A Natural Sports Drink And Health Tonic

Reviewer Read

The Coconut Oil Miracle

Reviewer Read

Stop Alzheimer

How To Prevent And Reverse Dementia, Parkinson

Reviewer Read

Coconut - Harvest, Processing And Products

Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read

Coconut Based Recipes From India, Indonesia, Philippines, And Thailand

Reviewer Read

Redifining Trade Promotion

The Need For A Strategic Response

Reviewer Read

Emerging Trends In Microbial Control Of Crop Pests

Reviewer Read

Thirty Years Of The Coconut Industry In APCC Member Countries (1969-1999)

Reviewer Read

Directory International Coconut Scientists, Researchers And Experts

Reviewer Read

A Guide To Coconut Pests And Disease

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Vietnam

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Western Samoa

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Vanuatu

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In The Philippines

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Thailand

Reviewer Read

New Varieties Of Coconut - Vanuatu : An Assessment Of Experience

Reviewer Read

New Varieties Of Coconut - Thailand : An Assessment Of Experience

Reviewer Read

New Varieties Of Coconut - Western Samoa : An Assessment Of Experience

Reviewer Read

New Varieties Of Coconut - Papua New Guinea : An Assessment Of Experience

Reviewer Read

Processing Of Coconut Products In Vanuatu

Reviewer Read

Processing Of Coconut Products In Papua New Guinea

Reviewer Read

Domestic Marketing Of Coconut Products In Solomon Islands

Reviewer Read

Domestic Marketing Of Coconut Products In Papua New Guinea

Reviewer Read

Domestic Marketing Of Coconut Products In Vanuatu

Reviewer Read

Domestic Marketing Of Coconut Products In Malaysia

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Solomon Islands

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Papua New Guinea

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Malaysia

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Fiji

Reviewer Read

Coconut Production And Productivity In Vanuatu

Reviewer Read

Coconut Production And Productivity In Sri Lanka

Reviewer Read

Coconut Production And Productivity In FSM

Reviewer Read

New Varieties Of Coconut Philippines : An Assessment Of Experience

Reviewer Read

Coconut Production And Productivity In India

Reviewer Read

Coconut For Health And Nutrition

Reviewer Read

Coconut Water Nature's Health Drink

Reviewer Read

Products Diversification As A Strategy For Market Development For Coconut Products

Reviewer Read

High Yielding Varieties Of Coconut : An Intra-Regional Study On Small Farmer

Reviewer Read

Bibliographical Series On Coconut Nos.22-23 (1989-1990)

Reviewer Read

Bibliographical Series On Coconut Nos.20-21 (1987-1988)

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of Second Annual Symposium On Plantation Crops : Plant Protection (entomology, Microbiology,nematology,plant Pathology And Rodentology)

Reviewer Read

Coconut - The Wonder Palm

Reviewer Read

The Economic And Social Consequences Of Cape St. Paul Wilt Disease In Ghana And Its Implications For Coastal Management Issues

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Review Series On Coconut No. 1 Hybridization A Tall X Dwaft

Reviewer Read

Coconut Replanting : Report On Survey Of Coconut Plantations

Reviewer Read

Coconut Based Farming Systems : Technology Notes For Practitioners

Reviewer Read

Italian Agriculture 1995

Reviewer Read

Symposium On Coconut Based Farming Systems June 1-3, 1983 Visca, Leyte

Reviewer Read

Coconut Planter

Reviewer Read

Farmer Receptivity To New Technology Of Coconut Cultivation : Philippines

Reviewer Read

Coconut Cultivation

Reviewer Read

Replanting The Tree Of Life

Towards An International Agenda For Coconut Palm Reseacrh

Reviewer Read

Replacement Of Senile Coconut Palms In Smallholding : Field Experience Of A Replacement Model

Reviewer Read

Coconut Varieties And Cultivars - Their Classification

Reviewer Read

An Economic Assessment Of Intercropping Under Coconuts In Sri Lanka

Reviewer Read

Nutrient Composition And Growth Of Pineapple And Coconut Intercrops As Influenced By Nitrogen, Posphorus And Potassium

Reviewer Read

The Study Of Light Transmission Through The Canopy Of The Coconut Palm In The Development Of Coconut Intercropping Systems

Reviewer Read

Constraints On The Use Of High Yielding Varieties By Small Coconut Farmers Pacific Islands Section

Reviewer Read

Farmers Receptivity To New Technologies In Coconut : Papua New Guinea

Reviewer Read

Farmers Receptivity To New Technologies In Coconut : Western Samoa

Reviewer Read

Farmers Receptivity To New Technologies In Coconut : Philippines

Reviewer Read

Directory Of International Coconut Research Workers

Reviewer Read

Organic In Soil Health And Crop Production

Reviewer Read

Reaching The Farmers

The Role Of Communication In Coconut Technology Transfer

Reviewer Read

Coconut - Harvest, Processing And Products

Reviewer Read

Coconut Based Recipes From India, Indonesia And Thailand

Reviewer Read

Coconut Cultivation And Plantation Machinery

Reviewer Read

Utilisation Of Palm And Leaves

An Anoted Bibliography

Reviewer Read

Coconut Wood -A Bibliography

Reviewer Read

Healing Of The Prostate

Reviewer Read

Coconut Wood -A Bibliography

Reviewer Read

The Weight Loss Cure

"They" Don't Want You To Know Aboaut

Reviewer Read

"omega - 6 Excess Polyunsaturate Folly"

New Diet Oil/fiber Heart Health

Reviewer Read

The Coconut Farmers : A Look Into The Future

Reviewer Read

Agricultural Research In The Asian And Pacific Region

Current Situation And Outlook

Reviewer Read

Processing Technology And Marketing

Reviewer Read

Advances In Horticulture Biotechnology

Regeneration Systems - Fruit Crops ,Plantation Crops And Spices

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of The Fifth Annual Symposium On Plantations Crops

Reviewer Read

Good Agriculture Practices In Coconut Production Gap-Coconut

Reviewer Read

Journal Of Plantation Crops

Reviewer Read

High Yielding Varieties Of Coconut : An Intra-Regional Study On Small Farmers's Experience

Reviewer Read

Cocoa And Coconuts : Progress And Outlook

Reviewer Read

Coir Mattings, Rugs, Mourzouks And Carpets

Reviewer Read

Quality Planting Material - The Key To Succes

Reviewer Read

Operation And Maintenance Instructions For The Coconut Shell Carbonisation With The Heat Recovery Unit

Reviewer Read

The Potential Of Palm Oil In The World Of Oils And Fats

Reviewer Read

Pacific Islands Coconut Oil Power Generation : How To Guide For Small Stationary Engines

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Bibliographical Series On Coconut 1981 No.14

Reviewer Read

Assessment Of Coconut Waste Utilisation In Kenya

Reviewer Read

Proceedings National Coconut Conference 2009

Reviewer Read

Coconut Based Farming System

Proceedings Of XXVII Cocotech Meeting

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistics 1990

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Bibliographical Series On Coconut 1979-1980 Nos.12-13

Reviewer Read

Abstract Bibliography On Coconut

Reviewer Read

Abstract Bibliography On Coconut Vol 1 Philippines

Reviewer Read

Abstract Bibliography On Coconut Vol 1A Philippines

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Bibliographical Series On Coconut 1985-1986 Nos.18-19

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Retrospective Bibliographical Series On Coconut 1900-1965 No. 3 Diseases

Reviewer Read

Abstract Bibliography On Coconut 1961-1970 Other Countries

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Retrospective Bibliographical Series On Coconut 1900-1965 No. 1 Pests Of Coconut And Their Control (Excluding Diseases & Weeds)

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Retrospective Bibliographical Series On Coconut No.2 Breeding

Reviewer Read

Trans Fatty Acids In The Food Supply : A Comprehensive Report Covering 60 Years Of Research

Reviewer Read

Cholesterol & Your Health The Great American Rip Off

Reviewer Read

Coconut Root ( Wilt) Disease

Reviewer Read

The Second International Coconut Worksop For Africa : Helping The Coconut Farmer In Africa Into The 21st Century

Reviewer Read

Facts And Fallacies About Coconut Oil

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Statistics 1995

Reviewer Read

Coconut Oil And Copra Production, Marketing And Trade Report On : Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea And Sri Lanka

Reviewer Read

The Global Climate System - Climate System Monitoring June 1986 - November 1988

Reviewer Read

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ( PAH's)

Reviewer Read

Soybean In Asia

Reviewer Read

Quality Control For The Food Industry An Introductory Handbook

Reviewer Read

The Cholesterol Conspiracy

Reviewer Read

Coconut Genetic Resources

Reviewer Read

The Book Of Edible Nuts

Reviewer Read

Coconut Production And Utilization

Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read

Descriptors For Coconut

Reviewer Read

The Coconut Palm

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistical Yearbook 1996

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of The COGENT Regional Coconut Genebank Planning Workshop

Reviewer Read

Industrial Fibre Crops

Reviewer Read

Coir Fibre Geotextiles And Thermal Insulation Material

Reviewer Read

Lethal Yellowing Of Coconuts Research Scheme, Jamaica (R2635, R3098 A&b;) Vol I Technical Summary Report On Research 1972-1981

Reviewer Read

Lethal Yellowing Of Coconuts Jamaica (R2635,R3098 A-b) Vol III Technical Report On Oda Research Scheme 1972-1981

Reviewer Read

Lethal Yellowing Of Coconuts Jamaica (R2635,R3098 A-b) Vol II B Full Technical Report On Research 1972-1981

Reviewer Read

Lethal Yellowing Of Coconuts Jamaica (R2635,R3098 A-b) Vol IIA Full Technical Report On Reseacrh 1972-1981

Reviewer Read

Monograph On Organization, Programmes And Training Of Officials And Small Coconut Farmers Leader In Coconut Extension Work

Reviewer Read

Coconut Based Farming Systems : Focus On The Small Farmer

Reviewer Read

Coconut Based Farming Systems A Bibliography

Reviewer Read

Budidaya Tanaman Kelapa Di Lahan Pasang Surut

Reviewer Read

Farmers Receptivity To New Technologies In Coconut : Malaysia

Reviewer Read

Workshop On Coconut Shell Carbonization/Waste Heat Recovery

Reviewer Read

Report Coconut Industry Development Visit To Micronesia

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistical Yearbook 1998

Reviewer Read

Coconut Root (Wilt) Disease) Intensity Production Loss And Future Strategy

Reviewer Read

Improved Coconut Production In Asia And The Pacific

Reviewer Read

Coconut Intercropping And Covercropping In Replanted Farms

Reviewer Read

Primer And Technoguide On Replanting Coconut Farms

Reviewer Read

Oil World 1958-2007

Reviewer Read

Coconut Cultivation

Reviewer Read

Organic Coconut Cultivation

Reviewer Read

Primer And Technoguide On Rehabilitation Of Low-Bearing Mature Coconut Palms

Reviewer Read

Coconut Disease And Pests In Indonesia

Reviewer Read

Opportunities For Coconut Intercropping : Special Reference To The Coconut Triangle

Reviewer Read

Expert Consultation On Coconut Beetle Outbreak In APPPC Member Countries

Reviewer Read

Facts About Coconut Oil

Reviewer Read

Coconut For Rural Welfare

Reviewer Read

Coconut For Rural Prosperity

Reviewer Read

The Use Of Coconut Industry Waste For Energy - Proceedings Of The UNIDO-APCC Interregional Workshop

Reviewer Read

Advances In Plant Physiology And Biochemistry Of Coconut Palm

Reviewer Read

Coconut And Selected Intercrops

Reviewer Read

The Coconut Oil Miracle

Reviewer Read

Poly Culture In Coconut For Humid Tropics And Coastal Plains

Reviewer Read

Coconut For Prosperity

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of The Symposium On Nutrition And Health Aspects Of Coconut Oil

Reviewer Read

Assessment Of Experience With New Varieties Of Coconut India

Reviewer Read

Non Food Uses Of Palm Oil And Palm Kernel Oil

Reviewer Read

Coconut Based Farming Systems : Status And Prospects

Reviewer Read

The Coconut Palm Botany & Breeding

Reviewer Read

Agronomy Soils Physiology And Economic Of Plantation Crops

Reviewer Read

Nutrition And Disease Update Heart Disease

Reviewer Read

Provisial Agenda For The Terminal Tripartite Review Meeting

Reviewer Read

Coconut As A Part Of A Mixed Farming System

Reviewer Read

World Oil Annual 1997

Reviewer Read

ISF-JOCS World Congress 1988

Reviewer Read

Trees And Tree Farming

Reviewer Read

Coconuts : Production, Processing, Products Second Edition

Reviewer Read

Intensive Multiple Cropping With Coconuts In India

Reviewer Read

The Use Of Coconut Industry Waste For Energy

Reviewer Read

Cost Of Production Of Coconut Cultivation 1984

Reviewer Read

Production Management Of Coconut

Reviewer Read

Pasture - Cattle - Coconut System

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of An International Workshop On Lethal Yellowing-Like Diseases Of Coconut Elmina, Ghana, November 1995

Reviewer Read

Abstract Bibliography On Coconut Vol 2 Other Countries

Reviewer Read

Bibliographical Series On Coconut Nos.24-25 (1991-1992)

Reviewer Read

Abstract Bibliography On Coconut Vol 3 Philippines

Reviewer Read

The Philippine Recommends For Coconut

Reviewer Read

Lethal Yellowing : Research And Practical Aspects

Reviewer Read

Workshop On Lethal Diseases Of Coconut Caused By Phytoplasmas And Their Importance In Southeast Asia

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistics On 1987 Vol VI No.2 Annual

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistics On 1984 Vol VI No.18 Annual

Reviewer Read

A Lipid Glossary

Reviewer Read

Coconut Research Institute Manado

Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read

Data Series On Coconut Statistics In The Philippines

Reviewer Read

Profitable Coconut Growing

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Products Annual Review 1987

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Statistics 1987

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Products Semi Annual Review 1988

Reviewer Read

Palm Oil Statistics Supplement 1985

Reviewer Read

Palm Oil Statistics Supplement 1984

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Statistics 1986

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Statistics 1985

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Products Annual Review 1989

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Statistics 1990

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Statistics 2001

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Statistics 1996

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1996

Reviewer Read

Statistik Sawit 1990

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Statistics 1982

Reviewer Read

1990-91 Sunflower Directory

Reviewer Read

PORLA Palm Oil Statistics 1988

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Statistics 1995

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Statistics 1997

Reviewer Read

Seni Menggunakan Dan Meningkatkan Periklanan Yang Efektif ( Clever Advertising )

Reviewer Read

Proceeding Of The Fourth Annual Symposium On Plantations Crops - Genetics, Plants Breedings And Holticulture

Reviewer Read

The Pests Of Crops In Indonesia

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of The Second Symposium On Plantation Crop Research - Exports Competitiveness Through Quality Improvements

Reviewer Read

Coconut Husk Utilization

Reviewer Read

Revised Draft Programme Of Research And Development For Coconut And Their Products

Reviewer Read

Coconut Root (Wilt) Disease

Reviewer Read

Insects On Palms

Reviewer Read

Pedoman Pengendalian Hama Dan Penyakit Kelapa

Reviewer Read

La Problematica Del Amarillamiento Letal Del Cocotero En Mexico

Reviewer Read

Coconut Eriophyid Mite Issues And Strategies

Reviewer Read

Plantation Sector Statistical Pocket Book 1995

Reviewer Read

New Varieties Of Coconut Western Samoa : An Assessment Of Experience

Reviewer Read

Shri Lanka Coconut Statistics 1991

Reviewer Read

Knows Your Fats : The Complete Primer For Understanding The Nutrition Of Fats, Oils And Cholesterol

Reviewer Read

Coconut Water : The Science & Technology Behind Nature's Thirst Quencher

Reviewer Read

Economics Of The Nata De Coco Industry

Reviewer Read

3Rs On Coconut Flour * Reading * Research * Recipes *

Reviewer Read

Study On The Fats And Oils Situation In Malaysia

Reviewer Read

Coconut Processing Industry Development Visit To Solomon Islands

Reviewer Read

Report On The Materials ( Fresh Coconut ) Purchase, Marketing/ Distribution Of Klentix Oil Manufactured By The Model Coconut Processing Unit In Sungai Sarik, Padang Pariaman, Indonesia

Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read

Coconut Processing Technology : A Manual Of Procedures

Reviewer Read

Coconut Processing : A Bibliography

Reviewer Read

The Setting Up Of A Small Capacity Coconut Processing Model Scheme

Reviewer Read

Oils And Oilseeds Cost Of Production

Reviewer Read

Fats And Oils In Human Nutrition

Report Of A Joint Expert Consultation

Reviewer Read

Papua New Guinea Copra Marketing Board - Coconut Research : Requirements And Priorities

Reviewer Read

In A Nutshell Essay On Coconut

Reviewer Read

Coconut Water For Health And Healing

Reviewer Read

The Coconut Flour Gourmet

150 Delicous Gluten-free Coconut Flour Recipes

Reviewer Read

International Conference On Coconut Biodiversity For Prosperity , Kerala India 25-28 October 2010

Summary Of Proceedings And Recommendations

Reviewer Read

Increasing Coconut Land Productivity Through Agroforestry Interventons

Reviewer Read

Manual On Standardized Research Techniques In Coconut Breeding

Reviewer Read

Directory Of Trade And Investment-Related Organizations Of Developing Countries And Areas In Asia And The Pacific 1997

Reviewer Read

The World Trade Organization And The Developing Countries

Reviewer Read

Coconut Trade 1989 And Short Term Outlook

Reviewer Read

Profile : Malaysia's Primary Commodities

Reviewer Read

International Financial Statistics

Reviewer Read

Trade Information Services Of Chambers Of Commerce

Reviewer Read

Indeks Harga Konsumen Di 24 Kota Indonesia ( April 1978/Maret 1979 = 100 ) Tahun 1987-1988

Reviewer Read

Handbook Of Industrial Statistics

Reviewer Read

UNCTAD Commodity Yearbook 1987

Reviewer Read

Asian Development Outlook 1993

Reviewer Read

Industry And Development

Global Report 1988/1989

Reviewer Read

Directory Of Economics, Commodity, And Development Organizations

Reviewer Read

An Introduction An Directory Of Information On General Activities And Services To Trade

Reviewer Read

Agricultural Export Marketing In The South Pacific

The Future Role Of Marketing Authorities

Reviewer Read

World Economic Outlook

A Survey By The Staff Of The International Monetary Fund

Reviewer Read

Trade And Development Report, 1987

Reviewer Read

The Ceylon Chamber Of Commerce - Directory Of Members 1997-1998

Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asia And The Pacific


Reviewer Read

Directory Of Importers' Associations

Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asia And The Pacific


Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asia And The Pacific


Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asia And The Pacific

The Philippines

Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asia And The Pacific


Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asia And The Pacific

Brunei Darussalam

Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asia And The Pacific


Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asia And The Pacific

The Republic Of Korea

Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asia And The Pacific


Reviewer Read

Buletin Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Juni 1992

Foreign Trade Statistical Bulletin

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Third Meeting Of Coconut Products Exporters , Rabaul, PNG 1991

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of Annual Convention Of The National Institute Of Oilseeds Products

Reviewer Read

Survey On Oilseeds Production And Marketing In Sri Lanka

Reviewer Read

Coconut Production Present Status And Priorities For Research

Reviewer Read

Vegetable Oils And Oil Seeds Vol II

Principal Oils And Seeds In World Trade

Reviewer Read

Vegetable Oils And Oil Seeds Vol I

Trading Systems And Techniques

Reviewer Read

How To Process Coconut Palm Wood

Reviewer Read

Coconut Wood Utilization

Proceedings Of The Workshop For Policy Makers 17-21 April, 1990, Zamboanga, Philippines

Reviewer Read

Utilization Of Coconut Palm Timber : Its Economic Significance In Some Countries In The Tropics

Reviewer Read

Drying Of Coconut Wood

Reviewer Read

Treatment And Performance Of Coconut Wood

Reviewer Read

Fiberboard From Coconut Coir

Reviewer Read

Stop Alzheimer's Now

Reviewer Read

Coconut Oil Processing

Reviewer Read

Coconut Processing Technology Information Document

Coconut Harvesting And Copra Making

Reviewer Read

The Scope For Increased Trade Between Developing Countries In Vegetable Oil And Other Oilseeds Products

Reviewer Read

APCC-NRI-CFC International Workshop On Improving The Smale Scale Extraction Of Coconut Oil

Workshop Report And Proceedings 8-11 September 1997, Bali, Indonesia

Reviewer Read

Choose Your Business With Use Of Simple Technologies

Production Of Coconut Oil At Village Level

Reviewer Read

Report On ISF-JOCS World Congress 1988

Reviewer Read

Possibillities For The Utilisation Of Coconut Palm Wood In Tanzania

Study For National Cocont Development Programme Of Tanzania

Reviewer Read

Coconut Processing Technology Information Documents Part 1 Of 7

Coconut Harvesting And Copra Production

Reviewer Read

HACCP Plants Of Selected Coconut Food Products

Reviewer Read

Workshop Proceedings : Village, Small & Medium Scale Processing Of Fresh Coconuts

Reviewer Read

Active Carbon

Reviewer Read

Sea Handbook 1996

Reviewer Read

Utilization Of Coconut Lumber For Furniture Manafacture ( Classroom Chairs)

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of The World Conference On Laurics Oils : Sources, Processing And Applications

Reviewer Read

Processing Of The Coconut Products In India

Reviewer Read

Saturated Fat May Save Your Life

Reviewer Read

Virgin Coconut Oil Production Manual For Micro And Village Scale Processing

Reviewer Read

Profitability Analysis : Coconut Sap Sugar Production Module

Reviewer Read

APCC- UNIDO Forum On The Development Of A Implementation Scheme For APCC Codes And Standards For Aqueous Coconut Products

Reviewer Read

Virgin Coconut Oil : State Of The Art

Proceedings Of The NAST Symposium Held In Manila On February 7, 2007

Reviewer Read

Coconut Production And Protection Technology

Reviewer Read

The Miracles Of Coconut Oil

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of The Symposium On Nutrition And Health Aspects Of Coconut Oil

Reviewer Read

Oleochemicals In The Escap Region : Production, Market Structure And Trade Potential

Reviewer Read

Processing Of Coconut Products In Sri Lanka

Reviewer Read

VCO Pencegahan Komplikasi Diabetes

Reviewer Read

Coconut Aqueous Processing

Reviewer Read

Rx : Coconuts ( The Perfect Health Nut )

Reviewer Read

Coconut Oil And Copra Production Marketing And Trade

Reports On : Indonesia, Malaysia Papua New Guinea And Sri Lanka

Reviewer Read

Traders Manual For Asian And The Pacific


Reviewer Read

Mini Workshop On Coconut Water And Sap Utilization


Reviewer Read

The Coconut Palm

Reviewer Read

Coconut Research & Development

Reviewer Read

Strengths And Opportunities In Improving Farm Productivity

Reviewer Read

Advances In Coconut Research And Development

Reviewer Read

Processing Manual For Virgin Coconut Oil, Its Products And By-products For Pacific Island Countries And Territories

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Oilseeds, Oil And Fats

Report Of The 23rd Session, Rome, 5-8 March 1990

Reviewer Read

Igg On Oilseeds, Oils And Fats 1976-1984

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems

Report Of The 26th Session Of The Intergovernmental Group On Oilseeds, Oils And Fats, Rome, 13-16 April 1993

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Oilseeds, Oil And Fats

Report On The 24th Session, Rome,24-28 June 1991

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Oilseeds, Oil And Fats

Report Of The 21st Session, Rome, 28-31 March 1988

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Oilseeds, Oil And Fats

Report Of The 20th Session, Rome, 23-27 February 1987

Reviewer Read

Intergovernmental Group On Oilseeds,oils And Fats 10-12 December 1997

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of Session Lectures And Scientific Presentations On ISF - JOCS World Congress 1988 Vol I

Reviewer Read

Fats And Oils In Human Nutrition

Report Of A Joint Expert Consultation

Reviewer Read

Oils And Fats In The EEC

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of Session Lectures And Scientific Presentations On ISF - JOCS World Congress 1988 Vol II

Reviewer Read

Oilsseeds, Oils And Fats Volume II

Oils And Fats Proceesing

Reviewer Read

World Conference On Oleochemicals Into The 21st Century

Reviewer Read

Oils And Fats International Directory 1986

Reviewer Read

Edible Fats And Oil Processing : Basic Principles And Modern Practices

Reviewer Read

The Philippines Recommends For Coconut Timber Utilization

Reviewer Read

Anatomical And Morphological Of The Coconut Palm Stem In Relation To Its Utilisation As An Alternative Wood Sources

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of The Expert Group Meeting On The Expansion Of Trade In Vegetable Oils For Edible Use And For Oleochemicals Industry

Reviewer Read

Food Uses Of Whole Oil And Protein Seeds

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of Kaufmann Memorial Lecture And Plenary Lectures On ISF-JOCS World Congress 1988

Reviewer Read

Coconut Recipes Around The World

Reviewer Read

Oilseeds, Oils And Fats Volume I Raw Materials

Reviewer Read

Statistics For 1988 Of Oilseeds, Oils And Oilcakes

Reviewer Read

World Oils And Fats Statistics

Reviewer Read

World Oils And Fats Statistics

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1992

ISTA Prices Indices

Reviewer Read

Second Asigment Report - Setting - Up Of A Model Coconut Processing Unit In Sungai Tarik, Tujuh Kota, Padang Pariaman, Indonesia

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1990

ISTA Prices Indices

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1992 Advance Issue

ISTA Prices Indices

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1995 Advance Issue

ISTA Prices Indices

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1991 Advance Issue

ISTA Prices Indices

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1993

17 Oils & Fats : Production Deficit Or Surplus

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1994

Quarterly World Market Prices

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1995

Quarterly World Market Prices

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1991

ISTA Prices Indices

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1987

Reviewer Read

Oil World Annual 1989

ISTA Prices Indices

Reviewer Read

Processing Of Coconut Products In Papua New Guinea

Reviewer Read

Coconut Oil : Issues And Prospects

Proceedings Of The "NAST" Round Table Discussion On The Controversy Of Coconut Oil" Held In Manila On June 8, 2004

Reviewer Read

Yap Desiccated Coconut : A Feasibility Study

Reviewer Read

Final Technical Report On Coconut Shell Carbonization With Waste Heat Recovery Unit (WHU) Technology

Reviewer Read

Final Technical Report On Hot Oil Imersion Drying (HOID) Technology

Reviewer Read

Small-scale Oil Extraction From Groundnuts And Copra

Reviewer Read

Preparatory Phase Report For The Setting Up Of A Model Coconut Processing Unit In Indonesia

Reviewer Read

Palm Oil & Palm Kernel Oil Threat To Coconut Oil ?

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of Annual Convention Of The National Institute Of Oilseeds Products

Reviewer Read

Coconut Production And Productivity

Proceedings Of The 26th Cocotech Meeting

Reviewer Read

The Study Of Light Trasmision Through The Canopy Of The Coconut Palm ( Cocos Nucifera) In The Development Of Coconut Intercropping Systems

Reviewer Read

Coconut Production And Productivity In Papua New Guinea

Reviewer Read

Animal Feed Ingredients : A Study Of Selected Markets

Reviewer Read

Cocoa A Trader's Guide

Reviewer Read

Coconut And Coconut Oil In Human Nutrition

Reviewer Read

Balanced Nutrition Beyond The Cholesterol Scare

Reviewer Read

Nourishing Traditions

Reviewer Read

World Of Coconuts

Reviewer Read

Coconut Cuisine A Taste Of Tropics

Reviewer Read

The Development And Testing Of A Coconut Cheese Production Technology

Reviewer Read

Study Of The Effect Of Cunsumption Of Coconut Kernel And Coconut Oil On The Serum Lipid Profile

Reviewer Read

A Model Scheme For The Improvement Of Rural Small Capacity Coconut Processing Operations

Reviewer Read

Access To Japan's Import Market Activated Carbon

Reviewer Read

Full Technical Report On Research 1972-1981 Vol II C

Reviewer Read

International Seminar Of Management Of Major Emerging Plant Pests In Agriculture In The Asian And Pacific Region

Reviewer Read

Smallholder Tree Crop Development

Reviewer Read

Data Collection Systems Of Subsidiary Field Crops

Options For Improvement

Reviewer Read

29th Session Of The Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibers

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Oilseeds, Oil And Fats

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Oilseeds, Oil And Fats

24th Session Rome, Italy 24-28 June 1991

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 20th Session, Rome, 23-27 September 1985

Reviewer Read

A Guide To Coconut Pests And Diseases

Reviewer Read

Integrated Coconut Pest Control Project Annual Report 1988

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Review Series On Coconut No. 2 Review Of World Coconut Pests & Their Control

Reviewer Read

Tuber Production In Sweet Potato Intercropped With Coconuts : Effects Of K Fertilization Andi Vine Pruning

Reviewer Read

Proceedings International Conference On Cocoa And Coconuts Kuala Lumpur 1978

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 8th - 18th Session, Rome, 1974-1982

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 19th Session, Rome, 3-7 December 1984

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 3rd Session, Rome, 18-19 October 1980

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 21st Session, Rome, 13-17 October 1986

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 22th Session, Rome,4-7 Oktober 1988

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 22nd Session, Rome, 4-7october 1988

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 23rd Session, Rome, 10-13 October 1989

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 23rd Session, Rome, 10-13 October 1989

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 24th Session, Rome,24-28 June 1991

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 24th Session, Rome, 2-5 October 1990

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 25th Session, Rome, 15-18 October 1991

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 26th Session, Rome, 20-23 October 1992

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 27th Session, Rome, 29-3 December 1993

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 28th Session, Colombo, SrI Lanka, 15-18 November 1994

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Oilseeds, Oil And Fats

Report Of The 19th Session, Rome, 9-13 June 1985

Reviewer Read

Joint Meeting Of The 30th Session Of The Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres And The 32rd Session Of The Intergovernmental Group On Jute,kenaf And Allied Fibres Rome,7-9 December

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Oilseeds, Oil And Fats

Report Of The 25th Session, Rome, 30 March-3 April 1992

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Hard Fibres

Report Of The 26th Session, Rome, 20-23 October 1992

Reviewer Read

Agro Economic Aspects And Extension Methodology For Inter Cropping In Coconut

Reviewer Read

Committee On Commodity Problems Intergovernmental Group On Oilseeds, Oil And Fats

Report Of The 22nd Session, Rome, 20-23 March 1989

Reviewer Read

The Coconut Palm A Monograph

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry Into The 21st Century

Proceedings Of The Cocotech Meeting 18-22 July 1994, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Reviewer Read

FAO Yearbook Vol. 44 1990


Reviewer Read

FAO Yearbook Vol. 45 1991


Reviewer Read

FAO Yearbook Vol. 46 1992


Reviewer Read

FAO Yearbook VoL. 47 1993


Reviewer Read

FAO Yearbook Vol. 48 1994


Reviewer Read

FAO Yearbook Vol. 49 1995


Reviewer Read

FAO Yearbook Vol. 41 1987


Reviewer Read

FAO Yearbook Vol. 42 1988


Reviewer Read

FAO Yearbook Vol. 43 1989


Reviewer Read

Domestic Marketing Of Coconut Products In Fiji

Reviewer Read

Domestic Marketing Of Coconut Products In India

Reviewer Read

PIACC 1987 Directory Of Chambers Of Commerce And Other Private Sector Organisations In The Pacific Islands

Reviewer Read

Directory Resource Indonesia'90

National Merchandise And Commodity Show

Reviewer Read

Papua New Guinea Directory Of Producers And Exporters 1990/91

Reviewer Read

Port Moresby Chamber Of Commerce & Industry

Port Moresby Trade Directory 1985-86

Reviewer Read

Guide To Japanese Market

A Marketing Aid For Asian And Pacific Exporters Third Edition

Reviewer Read

Implications Of The Uruguay Round Agreements For The Asian And Pacific Region

Reviewer Read

Trade Promotion Institution

Profiles Of Trade Promotion Organizations

Reviewer Read

1994 Foreign Trade Statistics Of The Philippines

Volume 2 - Exports

Reviewer Read

1996 Foreign Trade Statistics Of The Philippines

Volume 2 - Exports

Reviewer Read

1997 Foreign Trade Statistics Of The Philippines

Volume 2 - Exports

Reviewer Read

1995 Foreign Trade Statistics Of The Philippines

Volume 2 - Exports

Reviewer Read

Completing The Uruguay Round

A Results - Oriented Approach To The GATT Trade Negotiations

Reviewer Read

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia 1996

Volume 1

Reviewer Read

Ekspor Indonesia 1987 Dan Neraca Perdagangannya

Reviewer Read

Directory Of Trade Promotion/Development Organizations Of Developing Countries And Areas In Asia And The Pacific

Reviewer Read

Total Quality Control At Enterprise Level

A Requisite For Successfull Export Trade Of Developing Countries

Reviewer Read

Fifty Fourth Session 16-22 April 1998, Bangkok

Draft Report

Reviewer Read

The Shipment Of The Edible Oils

Reviewer Read

Forty Fourth Sesion 11-20 April 1988, Jakarta

Draft Report

Reviewer Read

Forty Ninth Session 21-29 April 1993, Bangkok

Draft Report

Reviewer Read

Conference On International Food Trade Beyond 2000 : Science Based Decisions, Harmonization, Equivalence And Mutual Recognition, Melbourne, Australia,11-15 October 1999

Reviewer Read

Directory Of Coconut Products Importers

Reviewer Read

FAO Yearbook Vol. 43 1989


Reviewer Read

Directory Of Coconut Products Exporters

Reviewer Read

1995 Eksport Jilid II Bahagian 1 ( Seksyen 0-6 )

Reviewer Read

Directory Of Indonesian Exporters 1986

Reviewer Read

Trade Prospects For The Year 2000 And Beyond For The Asian And Pacific Region

Reviewer Read

Implications Of The North American Free Trade Agreement For The Asian And Pacific Region

Reviewer Read

Directory Of Coconut Traders And Equipment Manufactures

Reviewer Read

Buletin Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri - Ekspor November 1992

Reviewer Read

Coconut Product Annual Review Sri Lanka 1982

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistics 1997

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistical Yearbook 1990

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistical Yearbook 1992

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistical Yearbook 1995

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistics 1983 Volume Vi No. 17 Annual

Reviewer Read

Coconut Descriptors Part 1

Reviewer Read

Abstract Bibliography On Coconut 1961-1970 Philippines

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Bibliographical Series On Coconut Nos. 18-19 1985-1986

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Bibliographical Series On Coconut Nos. 16-17 1983-1984

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Retrospective Bibliographical Series On Coconut

No. 4 Theses Submitted For Post Graduate Degrees

Reviewer Read

Coconis : Bibliographical Series On Coconut No. 15 1982

Reviewer Read

Sri Lanka Coconut Statistics 1982

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistics 1985 Volume VI No. 19 Annual

Reviewer Read

Pastures And Cattle Under Coconuts

Reviewer Read

Handbook On Coconut Palm

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistics 1988 Volume VI No.22 Annual

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistics 1970 Volume VI

Reviewer Read

Coconut Statistics 1980 Volume VI No. 14 Annual

Reviewer Read

Directory Of Exporters Of Coir

Reviewer Read

1982 FAO Trade Yearbook Vol. 36

Reviewer Read

1983 FAO Production Yearbook Vol. 37

Reviewer Read

1985 FAO Production Yearbook Vol. 39

Reviewer Read

1986 FAO Production Yearbook Vol. 40

Reviewer Read

Production Management Of Coconut

Reviewer Read

Workshop On User's Perspective To Promote Multi Purpose Uses And Competitiveness Of The Coconut

Reviewer Read

Rise And Demise Of Commodity Agreements

An Investigation Into The Breakdown Of International Commodity Agreements

Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asian And The Pacific

Lao People

Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asian And The Pacific


Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asian And The Pacific

Sri Lanka

Reviewer Read

Traders' Manual For Asian And The Pacific


Reviewer Read

Processing And Marketing Of Coconuts In India

Reviewer Read

Plan Harmonization Of The Coconut Producing Countries Of Asia

Reviewer Read

The Competitiveness And Future Of The Asia Pacific Coconut Industry Into 21st Century

Reviewer Read

Immediate Term, Medium Term And Long Term Palm & Lauric Oil Price Outlook : A Chartist's View

Reviewer Read

Market Development Of Coir Fibre And Coir Products

Reviewer Read

Shipping Problems Of Coconut Products And By I Products From The Asian And Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) Member Countries To World Market

Report Of The Fact Finding Mission

Reviewer Read

Promoting Multi Purpose Uses And Competitiveness Of The Coconut

Reviewer Read

Directory Of Trade And Investement Related Organizations Of Developing Countries And Areas In Asia And The Pacific

Reviewer Read

The Challenge To The South

The Report Of The South Commission

Reviewer Read

Heart Failure

Reviewer Read

Meeting Of Minister Of Industry And Technology

23-29 June 1992 Tehran Proceedings

Reviewer Read

Backgrounder On The Philippine Chemical Industry

Reviewer Read

Philippine Chemical Industry Factbook And Directory 1992

Reviewer Read

Report On Development Program For Coconut Product / By Products

Reviewer Read

Buffer Stock Operating In Coconut Oil

Reviewer Read

Indonesia Developing Private Enterprise

Reviewer Read

The Green Gold Of Selayar

A Socio Economic History Of An Indonesia Coconut Island

Reviewer Read

Report On Coconut Industry Development Visit To India

Reviewer Read

Coconut Processing Industry Development Vietnam

Reviewer Read

Coconut Processing Industry Development Visit To Papua New Guinea

Reviewer Read

Evaluation Of Benefit Of Subsidy Programmes In The Coconut Development Project Area

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In The Philippines

Reviewer Read

The Challenge To The South

An Overview And Summary Of The South Commission Report

Reviewer Read

Quality Standards For Coconut Products

Reviewer Read

Study Of The Coconut Industry In The ADB Region

Reviewer Read

Review Of Copra Processing Situation In Micronesia

Reviewer Read

Report On Coconut Industry Development Visit To Western Samoa

Reviewer Read

Report Coconut Industry Development Visit To Micronesia

Reviewer Read

Review Of Copra Processing Situation In Micronesia

Reviewer Read

Faderated States Of Micronesia Monograph On Coconut Industry

Reviewer Read

Final Report Coconut Processing Development In The Asian And Pacific Coconut Community Member Countries

Reviewer Read

An Overview Of The Coconut Industry In Member Countries Of The APCC

Reviewer Read

The Philippine Coconut Industry Growth And Change 1900-1965

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Federated States Of Micronesia

Reviewer Read

Proposal For ODNRI Assistance To The Coconut Industry In Indonesia

Reviewer Read

Philippines : Study On Regional Plan Harmonization On The Coconut Industry

Reviewer Read

1988 Coconut Development Report

Reviewer Read

Copra In Vanuatu

A Review Of Its Production And Marketing In Recent Years

Reviewer Read

Federated States Of Micronesia And It's Coconut Industry Researched And Compiled

Reviewer Read

The Promotion Of Intraregional Trade In Vegetable Oils

Reviewer Read

Technology Transfer And Application In Relation To The Coconut Industry

Proceedings Of The XXXIII COCOTECH Metting 15-19 July 1996, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Third Meeting Of Coconut Products Exporters , Rabaul, PNG 1991

Reviewer Read

Final Report Of The Bilateral Discussions Meeting Indonesia, Jakarta, 9-13 March 1992

Reviewer Read

Processing And Marketing Of Coconuts In India

Reviewer Read

From Plan To Market

World Development Report 1996

Reviewer Read

Draft Final Report Main Report For Study On Monitoring The Impact Of Policy Changes And Investments In The Tree Crops Sector, Indonesia T.A No. 1936 - INO

Reviewer Read

The Social And Economic Dimensions Of The Coconut Farming Systems : Constraints And Opportunities

Reviewer Read

World Agriculture 1994

The International Review Of Agribusiness In Developing Markets

Reviewer Read

World Agriculture 1993

The International Review Of Agribusiness In Developing Markets

Reviewer Read

Asia - Pacific Symposium Sustainable Food Production, Income Generation And Consumer Protection

Reviewer Read

Small Farmers In South Asia : Their Characteristics, Productivity, And Efficiency

Reviewer Read

Proceedings International Conference/ Exhibits On Clean Energy And Environment 26-29 February 1992, Manila, Philippines

Reviewer Read

Growth And Equity Aspects Of Credit Programs For Small Farm Coconut Development In North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Reviewer Read

Rural Indonesia : Socio Economic Development In A Changing Environment

Reviewer Read

Rural Development World Bank Experience, 1965-1986

Reviewer Read

Putting People First

Sociological Variables In Rural Development

Reviewer Read

Establishing A Coconut Based Processing Enterprise : A Practical Guide

Reviewer Read

Employement Challenges Of The Indonesian Economic Crisis

Reviewer Read

Growth And Equity Aspects Of Credit Programs For Small Farm Coconut Development In North Sulawesi, Indonesia

A Thesis Submitted For The Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy Of The University Of New England

Reviewer Read

Enhancing The Income And Employement In The Coconut Sector Through Conservation And Use Of Special Coconut Ecotypes In India

Reviewer Read

Regional Plan Harmonization And Integration Studies No 1 : The Coconut Industry Of Asia

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In India

Reviewer Read

Report On Coconut Industry Development Visit Malaysia

Reviewer Read

Technology Systems For Small Farmers Issues And Options

Reviewer Read

The Competitiveness And Future Of The Asia Pacific Coconut Industry Into The 21st Century

Reviewer Read

Methodology Development For Economic Analysis In The Coconut Sector : Case Studies From Sri Lanka

Reviewer Read

The Coconut Industry In Thailand A Monograph

Reviewer Read

The Business Of Agribusiness : From The Roots To The Fruits

Reviewer Read

The Role Of The Coconut Industry In Rural Development

A Comparative Study : Indonesia, The Philippines And Sri Lanka

Reviewer Read

Glimpses Of Coconut Industry In India

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In India

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Solomon Islands

Reviewer Read

The Coconut Industry Of Papua New Guinea

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Papua New Guinea

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry In Sri Lanka

Reviewer Read

The Coconut Story

Reviewer Read

Industrial Development Abstracts

UNIDO Industrial Information System (INDIS) 15401-15700

Reviewer Read

Asian Development Outlook 1991

Reviewer Read

Asian Development Outlook 1990

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1990

Poverty Embargo

Reviewer Read

Review Asia 1990 Yearbook

Reviewer Read

Statistik Indonesia 1993

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1994

Infrastucture For Development

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1995

Workers In A Integrating World

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1997

The State In An Changing World

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1985

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1993

Investing In Health

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1991

The Challenge Of Development

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1988

Opportunities And Risks In Managing The World Economy - Public Finance In Development - World Development Indicators

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1992

Development And Environment

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1987

Barriers To Adjustment And Growth In The World Economy - Industrialization And Foreign Trade - World Development Indicators

Reviewer Read

Statistik Indonesia 1998

Reviewer Read

Statistik Indonesia 1997

Reviewer Read

Statistik Indonesia 1996

Reviewer Read

Directory United Nations Personnel In Indonesia 1 November 1990

Reviewer Read

Statistik Indonesia 1988

Reviewer Read

Statistik Indonesia 1994

Reviewer Read

World Development Report - Knowledge For Development

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1989

Financial Systems And Dvelopment - World Development Indicators

Reviewer Read

Directory Of International Coconut Research Workers

Reviewer Read

Key Indicators Of Developing Member Countries Of ADB Volume XX July 1989

Reviewer Read

Key Indicators Of Developing Asian And Pacific Countries Vol XXII July 1991

Reviewer Read

Key Indicators Of Developing Member Countries Of ADB Volume XVIII July 1987

Reviewer Read

Key Indicators Of Developing Member Countries Of ADB Volume XIX July 1988

Reviewer Read

Key Indicators Of Developing Asian And Pacific Countries Vol XXI July 1990

Reviewer Read

Copra Price Stabilization Scheme In Papua New Guinea

Reviewer Read

Farmers Receptivity To New Technologies In Coconut : Papua New Guinea

Reviewer Read

Management In Agriculture And Rural Development

Reviewer Read

Wooden Household Furniture : A Study Of Major Markets

Reviewer Read

India Production, Exports And Internal Consumption Of Coir

Reviewer Read

Statistics For 1990 Of Oilseeds, Oils And Oilcakes

Reviewer Read

World Oils And Fats Statistics

Reviewer Read

Commodity Note : Coir Mat

Reviewer Read

Commodity Note : Coir Rope

Reviewer Read

Seminar On Utilisation Of Coir Pith In Agriculture

Reviewer Read

ACIAR Working Paper No.10 An Annotated Bibliography On Coconut Research Relevant To The Pacific Islands

Reviewer Read

Coconut Industry Into The 21st Century

Proceediings Of The XXXI COCOTECH Meeting 18-22 July 1994, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Reviewer Read

World Development Report 1986

The Hesitant Recovery And Prospects For Sustained Growth - Trade And Pricing Policies In The World Agriculture - World Development Indicators

Reviewer Read

Mini Workshop On Coconut By-products Utilization And Socio-economic Research


Reviewer Read

Coir Based Building And Packaging Materials

Final Report On Project CFC/FIGHT/11

Reviewer Read

Contributions From The United States National Herbarium Volume 14 Part 2

History Of The Coconut Palm In America

Reviewer Read

Technical Report : Grading Rules For Coconut Palm Sawn Wood

Prepared For Governments Of The Countries Participating In The Regional Project By The United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Associated Agency Of The Food And Agricultural Organization Of The United Nations, Whi

Reviewer Read

Potential For Commercial Use Of Coconut Timber In Sri Lanka

Reviewer Read

Exposure Tests With Treated And Untreated Coconut Wood

Reviewer Read

The Products And The Market For Coconut Timber

Reviewer Read

Technical Report : The Pressure Treatment Of Timber

Reviewer Read

Technical Report : Mechanical Properties Of The Coconut Palm Wood

Prepared For The Government Of The Countries Participating In The Regional Project By The United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Associated Agency Of The Food And Agricultural Organization Of The United Nations,

Reviewer Read

Value Of The Coconut Timber Resource

Reviewer Read

Technical Report : The Grading Of Coconut Palm Wood

Reviewer Read

Scotswood Development Ltd - Utilisation Of Coconut Timber Information Sheet No. 10 Village Rehousing Using Local Resources And Labour

Reviewer Read

Lecture Notes On Sawmilling And Saw Maintenance Equipment Used For The Conversion Of Coconut Palms Chogrm Seminar, Honiara, Solomon Islands

Reviewer Read

The Durability And Preservative Treatment Of Coconut Palm Wood

Reviewer Read

The Utilization Of Coconut Palm Timber As An Aggregate With Cement

Reviewer Read

Commercial Aspects Of Coconut Timber Sawmilling

Reviewer Read

Timber Industry Training College

Our Experience In Sawing Coconuts

Reviewer Read

Technical Report : Coconut Wood Sawmilling And Sawdoctoring

Prepared For The Government Of Sri Lanka By The United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Acting As Executing Agency For The United Nations Development Programme

Reviewer Read

The Need For Feasibility Studies Prior To Commencement Of A Coconut Timber Industry

From The Summary Of Findings - Coconut Wood 1979

Reviewer Read

Sliced Veneer From Coconut Trunk For Plywood

Reviewer Read

A Note On Treatment Of Coconut Wood With Copper - Chrome - Arsenate Preservatives

Reviewer Read

Catalogue Of Conserved Coconut Germplasm

Reviewer Read

Data Analisys Manual For Coconut Researchers

Reviewer Read

Poverty Reduction In Coconut Growing Communities

Volume III : Projects Achievements And Impact

Reviewer Read

Coconut Hybrids For Smallholders

Projects Report And Related Papers Of The Multilocation Trials To Identity Suitable Coconut Hybrids And Varieties For Africa, Latin America And The Caribbean

Reviewer Read

Coconut Processing Technology Skills Development Training For South Pacific Commission - Philippine Coconut Authority - Coconut Extension Training Center, Bago Oshiro, Davao City April 7-13, 1997

Reviewer Read

Sawing Coconut Stems

Reviewer Read

The Mechanical Properties Of Coconut Timber And Its Desk Capabilities In Construction

Reviewer Read

The Properties, Uses And Maintenance Of Coconut Palm Timber As Building Material

Reviewer Read

Coconut : A Potential Material For Plywood And Blackboard

Reviewer Read

Preservation Of Coconut Stem And Lumber Products

Reviewer Read

Capital Requirements For Coconut Timber Projects

Reviewer Read

Coconut Palm Transmission Poles

Reviewer Read

Report Of The First Project Leaders Meeting : Palmwood Utilization (ASIA)

Reviewer Read

Coconut Wood Processing And Use

Reviewer Read

New Varieties Of Coconut - Thailand An Assessment Of Experience

Reviewer Read

Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia

Reviewer Read

1988 Foreign Trade Statistics Of The Philippines

Reviewer Read

1992 Foreign Trade Statistics Of The Philippines

Reviewer Read

1984 Foreign Trade Statistics Of The Philippines

Reviewer Read

1987 Foreign Trade Statistics Of The Philippines

Reviewer Read

1990 Foreign Trade Statistics Of The Philippines

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of Annual Convention Of The National Institute Of Oilseeds Products

Reviewer Read

Proceedings Of Annual Convention Of The National Institute Of Oilseeds Products

Reviewer Read

Breedings Hybrid Coconuts For Resistance To Lethal Yellowing

Reviewer Read

An Evaluation Of The Coconut Replanting And Rehabilitation Scheme In The Village Of Sungai Haji Mohamad, Lower Perak, Peninsular, Malaysia

Reviewer Read

Papua New Guinea Export Tree Crop Study

Volume 2 - Largeholder Cocoa/coconuts

Reviewer Read

Seminar On Processing And Marketing Of Coconuts In India

Reviewer Read

Virgin Coconut Oil - Healthy Oil For All

Reviewer Read

Coconut Production And Productivity In Indonesia

Reviewer Read

Domestic Marketing Of Coconut Products In The Philippines

Reviewer Read

Preservation Of Coconut Palm Wood For Villagers In The Tropics

Reviewer Read

Entrepreneurs's Guide On Coconut Water Vinegar Production

Reviewer Read

Processing Of Coconut Products In Fiji

Reviewer Read

Processing Of Coconut Products In Malaysia

Reviewer Read

Domestic Marketing Of Coconut Products In Western Samoa

Reviewer Read



Reviewer Read



Reviewer Read



Reviewer Read



Reviewer Read

Retrospective Bibliographical Series On Coconut


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read

Setting Up Of Model Coconut Coconut Procesing ( December, 27 1988 )

Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read

A Century Of Coconuts

Reviewer Read

3 R


Reviewer Read



Reviewer Read



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Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read

World Oil And Fats Statistics 1985

Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read


Reviewer Read