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Climate Change Impacts On Coconut Production And Potential Adaptation Measures For Asia And Pacific Region Coconut Breeding And Production Program In China

Irrespective of  advanced technologies and improved varieties, there is a considerable gap between national coconut production and demand in most of  the coconut growing countries, and this gap is being widened due to the effects of  climate change. Vulnerability of  coconut plantations to climate change effects mainly depends on exposure (intensity of  atmospheric or soil drought), adaptations and sensitivity (varieties). Climate change adaptation interventions provide a buffer against economic risk brought about by climate change effects to minimize the economic vulnerability of  the sector. Although the annual y ie ld  variation between cultivars and photosynthetic related parameters have been used to screen drought tolerant cultivars, more focused research on the effect of  short-term climate variability on fruit set related processes will reveal more detailed information on heat and drought tolerance of coconut. Growing coconut with ‘climate smart' management practices is the other adaptation option to manage climate change effects. Further, it is necessary to strengthen research on coconut based mixed cropping systems with special emphasis on improving micro climate for coconut, identifying the level of  competition for water and nutrients between coconut and intercrops and estimating carbon sequestration potential of  the systems. These mixed cropping plantations have potential to increase productivity while acting as CO2  reservoirs far mitigating climate change in different degrees. Therefore, it is of  utmost importance to focus research on impacts o f  climate change on coconut and identify potential adaptation measures.

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