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Portable Sawmill - Our Guide To An Economic And Practical Approach To Forest Utilization

For many years the coconut palm has been to many the tree of life. Not only has it provided food and drink, but, shelter and heat.

It is therefore understandable the reasons why there is some reluctance to destroy this commodity that, has served them so well, howev'er senile and unproductive.

In this modern world with its rapidly diminishing lumber supplies due to indiscriminate logging, overcutting, slash and burn cultivation and the creeping sprawl of cities into rural areas where trees make way for roads and progress, it is little wonder that conservationists have taken up the cause to halt or control further diminishing of native forests. The shortage that has been created of millable timber has increased costs for building materials so alternatives have to be sought.

Throughout tropical territories, an abundance of timber is available in the form of the coconut palm, that has many properties that can fill many of our lumber needs.

Being a relatively new product compared with traditional timbers, new methods have to be discovered to process, market and use cocowood to its best advantage.

I have attempted to put together a comprehensive paper outlining basic machinery to process coconut palm, from the standing tree to a finished product suitable for everyday needs.

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