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Market Profile Of Traditional And Emerging Coconut Export Products And Market Development Programs In The Philippines

The Philippine coconut industry is export-oriented. About 75% of its production is shipped out to some 100 countries in various forms for food and industrial use.

Export products in 2009 posted lower shipment volumes despite weakness in prices. Total offtake in 2009 was placed at 1.51 million metric tons from which USD 884.02 million was earned. The major export commodities namely, coconut oil, desiccated coconut and copra meal registered declines in volume and earnings. Coco oil price fell by as much 42% even lower than the 2007 level; DCN by 26% and copra meal by 10%.

Coconut sap sugar, coconut flour, coconut water/juice and coco diesel are the emerging export products. They are showing big potential in the face of consumer preference as regards health and wellness and concern for the  environment.

Development programs aimed at enhancing product competitiveness are being implemented with view to accessing international markets. Strategic interventions such as trainings in the aspects of product quality and food safety are regularly held. In order to provide Philippine products adequate market exposure the country participates  in international trade fairs and exhibits and organizes local trade fairs.

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