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Integrated Approach In The Processing Of Coconut Products/ By - Products And Market Prospects In Thailand

Problems in the coconut industry in Thailand will be augmented by maximizing the utilization of coconut into several high-quality and high- valued products. The major coconut products for domestic and export market are coconut milk/cream, coconut water, coconut nectar, young tender coconut, Nata de Coco, Coconut shell handicrafts, coconut fiber and virgin coconut oil. Those coconut products are produced by the large industrial enterprises, medium industrial enterprises and small cottage industries. For marketing and competition conditions, the big company shall emphasize on the market expansion, cost reduction, technology and new products development, trading alliance building as well as the creation of the company’ s market bases for more stability and customer recognition. Major targeted customer group is the foreign market highly purchasing power countries which consist of the United States, European Union, Japan and Australia.The company shell maintain the existing strong market base for more strength together with the building and expansion of the market base toward the markets where the company brands have not been satisfied for its total sales. In addition, the company shall create and maintain the positive image of the products for the customers’ reliability and trust of the company’s product forevermore.

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