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Market Profile And Market Promotion Activities (Domestic And Export) Of Coconut - Based Products In The Philippines

Philippine coconut production has lagged behind Indonesia which a few years back occupied the second rank among the coconut producing countries. Nonetheless, it remains the biggest exporter of coconut. Traditional markets for major products remain strong but there appears to be a shift in market destinations in favor of the Asia/Pacific block. 

The profile of non-traditional coconut exports presents itself as an interesting subject. Five of the top ten destinations based on foreign exchange receipts are Asian countries. 

The domestic market is buzzing with activities aimed at promoting domestic utilization of three hot products, e.g., coco biodiesel, coco sap sugar and coco flour. In tune with international coconut oil prices, the domestic cooking oil commanded higher prices. Government and private sectors took mitigating actions. Meanwhile exportable products get the opportunity to be exposed to consumers through international trade fairs.

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