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Strengthening The Competitiveness Of The Coconut Industry Through Regional Strategic Alliances

Since its establishment in 1969 the Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) has been doing a lot of works to implement its task, i.e. coordinating as well as facilitating the collaboration and harmonizing the coconut industry in member countries for an objective of improving the role of coconut in national economics. Tight competition due to globalization and liberalization of trade brought the coconut industries to more complex challenges and problems. This condition makes APCC's efforts on the development of aspects of human resources, technology from farming to processing and trading as well as recommendation on national strategic policies was failed in escalating the coconut industries performance. The global statistics of coconut industry had shown that the production of nuts and its derived products in the last 10 years is almost stagnant, so does the value of the trade.

Using the best practices of regional organizations on other commodity including rubber, pepper, coffee, and cacao, the paper discusses on alternatives of approaches and concepts for developing coconut industries in APCC countries. The conclusion will recommend an initiation of a future work for the APCC.

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