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Role Of Transfer Of Technology Training And Demonstration In Icreasing Income Of Coconut Farmers

Coconut plays a vital role in the agrarian economy of many regions in the world, and provides livelihood to millions of families either directly or indirectly. Systematic research conducted during the last few decades has yielded a substantial number of viable technologies related to crop production, protection and processing have been evolved for enhancing income from coconut cultivation. However, farmers are not able to exploit the production potential from these technologies to the extent desirable. Low efficacy of Transfer of Technology and feedback system is an important constraint in improving technology utilisation by farmers to earn more income from coconut farming. The low level of utilisation of technologies in coconut farmers fields calls for formulating effective extension strategies suitable to the heterogeneous coconut farming situations. Various transfer of technology activities are to be organised to disseminate the technologies among coconut growers. On campus/off-campus training programmes for farmers and extension personnel on specific topics related to technologies to improve coconut scenario form an important component of TOT programmes to enhance their knowledge and skill for better technology utilisation. Assessment of training needs of the coconut growers is to be done to streamline the training programme. Evaluation of training programmes organised for coconut farmers revealed that there was significant gain in knowledge and skill on the topics dealt for the farmers trained. Frontline demonstration of various improved coconut production technologies with the active participation of farmers has been proved to be an effective method transfer of technology for improving the yield and income from coconut farming. Group management approach for enhancing coconut productivity and income is a viable strategy in coconut sector dominated by small and marginal holdings. This approach also emphasizes promoting women’s self help groups to take up coconut-based interventions for enhancing the income of resource-poor and socio-economically disadvantaged rural women. TOT activities of various research and development agencies in coconut sector are to be co-ordinated at different levels to strengthen the research-extension- farmer linkage and to accelerate the process of technology dissemination to enhance income from coconut farming.

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