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Marketing Value - Added Coconut Products In The U.S.A. The Need For A Change

The demand for health foods and natural beverages is on the increase world- wide. Coconut industry has the potential to benefit from the changing food habits through product diversification. Coconut has to be projected in the world markets not as a nut and source of tropical oil but as a fruit endowed with considerable health benefits. The functional foods industry and market in the U.S. has expanded rapidly and has tremendous potential for further growth. There may be opportunity to some crops like coconut by enhancing the functional component content. The functional drinks from coconut have potential for growth in the US market. Marketing opportunities for coconut products in the U.S. markets have been dealt with and the strategics highlighted. The drawbacks of current marketing methods have been listed out and the suggestions to overcome the limitations have been proposed. The new places to market coconut products in USA have been identified and the tips for successful marketing have been given. The importance of funding clinical trials using monolaurin derived from coconut to combat HIV/AIDS has been emphasized. A new functional role for the Asian and Pacific Coconut Community as well as the importance of establishing a 'Coconut Hub' have also been suggested.

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