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Importers/Consumers Requirements And Market Potential Of DC And Coconut Milk/Cream Products

Importers and consumers requirements in general are the minimum standards which must be adhered to, by the manufacturer of coconut food products, to meet legal requirements and consumer demands. The success of the processing industry’s operation depends on the extend to which the product responds to consumer needs. ‘Fit for human’ consumption is a well known definition of quality and it determines a product’s level of acceptability and the degree of consumer satisfaction. International standards specification characteristics and key words of importance are :
a) Appearance
b) Sensory attributes
c) Chemical properties
d) Filth/foreign matter
e) Integrity of packaging
f) Accuracy of labeling
g) Shelf life

Europe and the America’s are the world’s largest importers of desiccated coconut and coconut products. Coconut products have reasonably good market potential. Good manufacturing practices, corporate image, personal selling and customer services will help tap this vase potential

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