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Coconut Intercropping Practices In Thailand As A Strategy In Increasing Coconut Production And Farm Income

In Thailand, coconuts are grown on an estimated area o f 300,000 hectares as a monoculture for a century. Fresh nuts have been shown to be more profitable to farmers and it is estimated that up to 80% o f the total coconut production is consumed as food at the household level. It was not until the last two decades that the oil palm was introduced into Thailand. Many industries connected to palm oil increased dramatically. In terms of edible vegetable oil, coconut oil has been substituted by oil palm almost entirely in the market. Many factories have been put up by the private sector to produce various products from coconuts such as: coconut milk, coconut powder, coconut chips, or even coconut water in can. However, the volume of production is not big enough to absorb all raw materials from farmers. Thus, the price o f coconut has been on a decreasing trend. Intercropping under coconuts is one method among others introduced by farmers to improve their income. In this paper, several crops which are planted under coconuts and experienced by farmers are presented. Climatic conditions and market seem to be the important factors for coconut based farming system. The farmers have their own judgement to select the crops for intercropping under supervision of the researchers and extension people.

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