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Recent Technological Developments In Processing And Packaging Of Aqueous Coconut Products

Processing technology hitherto developed for aqueous coconut products, irrespective of the packaging technology, is based on heat treatment. Most products being low in acidity and sensitive to heat, depend on additives and physical treatments for sustained stability during processing and storage. Selection of packaging material primarily depends on the stage at which the sterilization is carried out. Conventionally, aqueous products are sterilized after being hermetically sealed in lacquered cans of various types and sizes. This technology however, is limited to relatively smaller packages and thinner aqueous products. Use of rotary retorts has enabled further improvements on the method. The latest advancement achieved is in "aseptic packaging of aqueous coconut products" after "ultra high temperature" treatment. The process designs are claimed to suit a variety of product characteristics such as higher fat content, viscosity, protein stability, low acidity and emulsion stability. Packaging is done in rectangular or brick shaped paper lined disposable packs. Aseptic packaging can also be used for bulk pack upto 1200 L. In the consumer markets however, the can is equally popular as recycling is more feasible with metal than in the case of multi walled carton of aluminum, paper and polyethylene.

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