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Issues Raised For Research In The Development Of New Coconut - Based Products

Coconut cultivation is suffering from the low competitiveness and the discouraging low prices of copra. The three possible solutions examined in this communication are the crop intensification, the integration of coconut in intercropping and the diversification of the uses made of coconut involving processing into a wide range of established or new products reputed to be more lucrative. The diversification of coconut products is a preferential way of reviving this crop. However success greatly depends on how the new companies which would be involved in these products of diversification succeed in satisfactorily and profitably supplying the targeted markts. The characteristics of these markets, the production context, and the technologies to be chosen have to be carefully examined. Coconut research has a major role to play in the process of developing diversified processing activities, for example by participating in the crucial feasibility studies on technical and production context aspects. However, market analysis requires the invoivment of professionals from the marketing and distribution sectors using to work with large international companies. CIRAD is ready to share its expertise with future entrepreneurs in the coconut sector.

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