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Strategies And Experiences In Pollution Control In Desiccated Coconut (DCN) Factories

Pollution prevention is the most effective strategy for pollution control in desiccated coconut (DCN) factories. Initiatives undertaken by the more, progressive DCN factories show that pollution prevention is always cost effective and sometimes, even income generating. Low cost opportunities for pollution prevention generate significant savings while reducing waste discharges. Commitment and support of both management and workers are essential. for the successful implementation of pollution prevention programs. However, getting the cooperation of workers is a major obstacle in implementing pollution prevention initiatives.

Pollution prevention initiatives alone cannot totally eliminate ail the waste streams. While the wastewater from DCN factories do not contain any toxic components, its high organic load (measured as biochemical oxygen demand or BOD) adversely affects the quality of the receiving body of water. Biological treatment processes have proven effective but costly in treating DCN wastewater. Chemical treatment, land application, and ocean outfall are some of the altemative treatment schemes tested. The DCN industry continues to seek more cost effective wastewater treatment processes and technologies.

Programs and initiatives of the regulatory agencie, in particular, the Environmental User's Fee and a tightening of the effluent standards have forced DCN factories to explore altemative waste management strategies. The common opinion in the DCN industry is that the govemment should provide more technical assistance, especially in waste treatment technology and more, financial incentives for environment friendly companies.

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