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Integrated Coconut Pest Management And The Environment

Coconut pests and the problems they cause tend to increase each year, not only in acreage of infestation and quantity of pests, but also the quality of damage and economic value of loss. The major pests of coconut in Indonesia due to economic importance are: Oryctes rhinoceros, Sexava spp., Artona catoxantha, Brontispa longissima, Batrachedra at-enosella, Hidail irava, Phytophthora spp., unknown etiology. Certain pests existing and causing problems in more, than one country, are very likely to approach in such a way that all involved countries be jointly strengthen and optimize the implementation of integrated pest management. Although the tecnological components of integrated pest management (IPM) yielded and recommended by researeh institutes are considered sufficient, the practical value is not as high as, expected, which means more, efforts are, needed, in order to optimize the achievement of the control goals. Coconut palms perform with direct influence on the environtment in certain agroecological systems in teirns of sustainable plantations either as a monoculture or as a polyculture with other compatible crops. A number of problems arising from coconut plantations due to various pests could occur and influence plant performance and production, degradation of soil, climate and vegetation. On the other hand, improper implementaion of integrarted pest management approach quite often cause negative side effects to the enviromnent. It is hoped that the sharing of experience among coconut producing countries will be able to optimize the succes of integrated coconut pest management in the future.

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