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Coconut Wood Processing And Ultimation

This paper discusses current technologies on cocowood processing and utilization such as logging. sawmilling, machining, seasoning and drying preservative treatment and finishing. It also highlights diverse uses of cocowood ranging from novelties to construction materials but emphasis is given to the manufacture of high value and export-oriented cocowood products.  The economic and social implication as a result of commercializing these technologies are likewise discussed considering the availability of raw materials during the planned large-scale replanting programme of most of the coconut growing countries.  Some technical problems in the effective processing and utilization of cocowood are identified as sawmilling, machining, finishing, structural application and limitation in the size of sawn lumber. While considerable advancement on cocowood utilization R and D has been made for the past two decades, what remains to be done is the effective application and commercialization of technologies from these research undertakings.

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