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Coconut Conservation And Breedings Strategy In Swampy And Drought Areas, And Varietal Preferences Of Coconut Farmers In North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Since 1974, the Research Institute for Coconut and Palmae (RICP), Manado (North Sulawesi) has collected 84 accessions from Indonesia region, and some of them have been introduced from overseas. These have now become a source of coconut germplasm located in Mapanget Experimental Garden Installation (North Sulawesi), Bone-bone Experimental Garden Installation (South Sulawesi) and Pakuwon Experimental Garden Installation (West Java). Based on the results; of characterization and evaluation of these collections, some of themn have been used in the Institute's breeding programnme and some cultivars, such as: Mapanget tall, Tenga tall, Palu tall, Bali tall, and Sawarna tall are recommended to be used by smallholders. On the other hand, coconut varieties which are tolerant to tidal swampy and drought areas, have been studied by RICP. The exploration activities will be conducted in two areas. ThegermplasmcollectionswilibeplantedinSikijangMati,Pekanbaru,Piauprovince, and in Mapanget, North Sulawesi. This collection is one of the international coconut genebanks under the COGENTAPGRI.  North Sulawesi province is one of the central coconut growing regions in Indonesia. In early 1970's, the coconut replanting under the SCDP project (Smallholder Coconut Development Project) mostly used hybrid coconut PB 12 1. After 20 years, it was reported that the yield of the hybrids is disappointing. A small survey dealt with smallholders coconut variety preferences conducted in North Sulawesi indicated that farmers mostly prefer to use local talls rather than hybrid in order to replant their coconuts. The survey also, revealed that the specific characters of coconut preferred are: larger nut, high number of bunches and nuts, low input, early bearing, and resistant to bud rot and nut faH diseaes.

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