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Transfer Of Technology In Oil Palm : Lessons From The Malaysian Experience

PORIM was established in 1979 with a mission to support the well being of the oil palm, industry in Malaysia in ail aspects of the activities through research, development and services. PORIM, therefore, conducts upstream (plantation), processing (milling, refining and fractionation), downstrearn (food/non-food products and oleochemicals) and technoeconomic research.  PORIM is financed through a cess levy on palm and palm, kernel oil production. The R&D and technology transfer programmes are therefore dictated by the needs of its main client, the oil palm industry. The other clients; are the government, consurners and scientific community.  The approaches of technology transfer has to be tailored, amongst others, to the unique requirements of each client. The main client itself is composed of three different categories and therefore has to be approached accordingly.  It is thereforc pertinent for PORIM to have a close interaction with its client and this would enhance the commercial utilisation of technologies generated by PORIM. It also, acts as feed-back mechanisms. PORIM has high success rates in the generation of technologies of commercial value.  Experience suggests that the research management must, aggressively market their newly created technologies through smart packaging and other forms of technology transfer mechanisms.  Technology transfer is regularly aimed at enhancing clients' (especially industry and investors) awareness on the availability of commercialisable new technologies. Various approaches, guidelines and incentive systems are used to, facilitate the commercial utilisation of technologies and research results.

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