Technology Gaps And Challenges For Research And Technology Transfer Programes For The Future
Many gaps still exist in the available results fro m the d ifferent disciplines whic h form coconut research . Efforts are being made to close the gaps but th ey remain insufficient by lack of funds, of qualified person neland , most of all, of a firm commitment of the coconut industry . The most critical area is post-harvest technology where manual processing of th e crop is a severe constraint for cost and qua lity . The challenge for research programmes and institutions is to work in close cooperation for filling the identified gaps with out wasting scarc e resources . A muc h bigger challenge is to transfer existing technologies to th e producers . The ma n constraints for this transfer are th e weakness of extensio n services, the disorganization of producers and the difficulty for them to accept th e proposed techniques. Huge efforts are necessary fo r the practical demonstration of the advantages of these techniques outside research stations , for extension staff training and motivation , for producers organization and, eventually , for the successful transfer of technologies developed by research to the coconut producers.