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Prospects For Non Traditional Export Commodities In The South Pacific

Non traditional export commodities are rapidly replacing many traditional export commodities. At the time when major traditional export commodities are facing stiff com petition in the international markets, coupled with low and unstable export prices, diver­sification  of export commodities  is desirable . The increasing  commodities has resulted importance  of from the declining producer non - traditional export prices of the traditional commodities and of-course the worsening terms of trade being experienced by these countries. As a result, many Pacific island countries are shifting their production to non-traditional export products since the production of non-traditional export commodities in the South Pacific seems to be viable and more remunerative  than  most traditional export commodities (e.g. cocoa, copra etc.). However, lack of knowledge about their  market requirements  and processing technologies remain major constraints in their development. It would appear th at the ultimate development of non-traditional export com modities in the Pacific  will depend on the establishment and improvement of marketing  institution s  and support services  and of course  governments  willingness to develop policy guide lines which will assist in the production and development of non-traditional export commodities. The aim of this paper is to assess export trends and prospects  for non - traditional export commodities from the South Pacific.

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