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Reaction Of Some Coconut Cultivars And Hybrids To Phytophthora Disease

From  1983-1987 , daily monitoring of the Phytophtora disease of coconuts was done in two areas at  the Albay  Research  Center planted  to  a total  of 1,769  bearing  palms  of  the following cultivars and  hybrids: Cameroon Red Dwarf (CRD), Malayan Yellow Dwarf (MYD), Malayan Red Dwarf (MRD), Catigan, Tacunan, Malayan Yellow Dwarf x West African Tall (MYD x WAT), Cameroon Red Dwarf x West A frican Tall (CRD x WAT), Equatorial Guinea Gree Dwarf x West African Tall (EGD x WAT), Malayan Red Dwarf x West A frican Tall (MRD x WAT), Laguna, and Tagnanan. The incidence of Phytophthora disease among CRD, MYD, and MRD was higher com pared to Catigan, Tacunan, MYD x WAT, EGD x WAT, MRD x WAT, CRD x WAT, and Tagnanan .Only Laguna was the incidence not significant with only one palm infected during the five year observation period . Based on the rates of increase of the disease, foreign  acquired colored cultivars, both hybrids and pure lines were observed to be more susceptible compared to the local green cultivars. Catigan, Tacunan, Tagnanan, and Laguna were least susceptible to the disease. The disease was also observed ,although not statistically significant, to be correlated to rainfall.

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