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Assesment Of Experience With High Yielding Coconut Varietas In Indonesia

Study on an assessment of experience with new varieties of coconut in Indonesia was carried out in 1988. The objective of the study is to ascertain and assess the suitability  and the experience of small holders with new coconut v a rie tie s  especially hybrids in new planting programmes in the country. The new coconut hybrid (MYDxWAT, MRDxWAT and NYDxWAT) were introduced to the farmers through Smallholder Coconut Development Project (SCDP) under monoculture farming system. During the early stages of growth, palms are m a in ta in ed  fully by the p ro je c t and hand over the maintenance responsibility to farmers under control and guidance of the project when palms reach productive stage. The rate of adoption of hybrids compared with the total coconut area in the country accounts for 6 %. However, in areas outside the government sponsored . projects, the cultivation  of hybrids varieties  are found to be insignificant. It was obtained that the investment cost per hectare of each type of coconut hybrid was the same and amounted to Rp. 914.583,00. The results of the study indicated that 78% of the farmers were satisfied while the rest (22%) was unsatisfied with coconut hybrids. Early bearing character and high yields w ere re p o rte d  to be reasons for favoring hybrids. While, too small nuts, low price for nuts, yield less than expected, require high expenditure on fertilizer and chemicals and im mature nuts fall were reported  to be reasons for the dissatisfaction  with hybrid by the farmers

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