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Strenghtening Of Coconut Farmers Organization In Southeast Sulawesi

Plantations are one subsector which is quite strategic for the Indonesian economy. Coconut is one of the strategic commodities for the people of Indonesia. We recognize that development in the plantation sub-sector in Indonesia, especially small-holder plantations is still encountering a variety of problems ranging from upstream to downstream. So it isn’t uncommon that the centers of palm plantations become pockets of poverty. Efforts to build sustainable plantations cannot be implemented merely by  the Ministry of Agriculture, but need support, coordination and synergy of the program between related parties, government ministries, private sectors, the banking and non-governmental organizations as well as the active participation of the community estate.


Build-holder plantations in Indonesia require strong and committed farmer institutions by farmers which can revive the spirit of mutual cooperation, investment reliance, builde networks for the collectivity and connectivity products, support the efficiency and effectiveness of the plantations, agro-industry development of rural community towards realizing increased competitiveness and farmer independence. Furthermore, the development of people plantation through farmer institutional restructuring has been implemented in Southeast Sulawesi with the name of the Lembaga Ekonomi Masyarakat (LEM) Sejahtera. The name of LEM-Sejahtera is not identical to one of the ministries/institutions and jargon. "LEM" means "Adhesives" so it paves the way for unity and cohesion to all villagers regardless of background differences (livelihood, group, tribe, religion and political views). This can be a means of synergizing programs from all institutions that carry out development activities. It can also be an inspiration to all parties related to the empowerment of rural communities to organize activities in rural development in an integrated manner. Likewise it can be used to achieve the necessary success of national policies through a shared commitment between the ministries/institutions at nationals and local levels. In addition to strenghthen the efforts, it is also necessary to propose strategic steps to the Government through the National Movement Improvement of Production, Productivity and Quality Coconut through Revitalization, Coconut Crop Intensification and Integration with other commodities.


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