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Pests Management Of Coconut In The Current Scenario Of Climate Change

The Philippines is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change which increase the intensity and frequency of heat waves, floods, rising sea levels, droughts and typhoons. These scenario can alter the agricultural ecosystem that affect the crops productivity, reduce the availability and quality of water, favor the development of pests and diseases which lead to high production losses, and heavy uses of pesticides due to uncontrollable increase in the population of pests. With 26% of the country’s agricultural land is devoted to coconut farming alone covering a total area of 3.5 million hectares and providing livelihood to a total of 3.5 million farmers, there is a need to design an adaptation and mitigating measures to forewarn the coconut farmers of eventualities due to abrupt change in climate patterns and develop scientific based technological interventions to keep the coconut industry vibrant.


The big threat to the country’s coconut industry is the occurrence of invasive insect species, the coconut beetle and coconut scale insect, and claimed to be due to change in the climate patterns . This prompted the country to provide an emergency solutions with concerted efforts among concerned agencies and local government units involving the coconut farmers to develop an integrated pest management approach to mitigate the spread of the insect pests. The outbreak of the coconut scale insect (CSI) in CALARBAZON (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Quezon) provinces affected more than 1.2 million coconut trees . The pest infestation starts with yellowing of the lowermost leaves, followed by drying of all leaves leaving only the youngest leaf green and ultimately the death of the palm. The CALABARZON area, especially Batangas province suffered from severe infestation.  These areas supply 42 percent and 14 percent of Luzon’s and the country’s total coconut production, respectively. The spread of infestation of more than 6,000 trees reached also 15 barangays in Isabela City, Basilan in Mindanao. An emergency response was initiated by concerned agencies and an Integrated Pest Management (IPM)  Protocol was developed. Further refinements through R and D was done for a long  scientific and technological solutions.


This paper will provide us the pest management approach which can be a modality for any eventualities to protect the country from an invasion of new species due to changing climate patterns that will affect the productivity and livelihood of the coconut farmers in the country

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