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Experiences Of Umapathy Coconut Hybrid Centre In India

The paper discusses the journey of Umapathy Coconut Hybrid Centre in coconut breeding since its inception in 1983. Umapathy farms started coconut breeding in 2004 and is done currently in an area exceeding 100 acres. Closed pollination is undertaken to produce DXT coconut seedlings. The flagship product Ramganga is a hybrid between Gangaibondam Green Dwarf and West Coast tall. It has high yield combined with sweet tender coconuts and high quality copra and oil. The breeding program is 100% software monitored. The seasoned hybrid nuts are grown in polybags with pencil drip irrigation. Seedlings are delivered in 8 month stage thereby ensuring selection of seedlings with excellent performance in all parameters. Bar coding of seedlings is done which ensures traceability and has significantly improved the quality and transparency of the breeding programme.


Umapathy Coconut Hybrid Centre is thus committed to ensuring quality and service to farmers. They also have a Farm Made Foods division undertaking production of coconut sugar, syrup and honey.  


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