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The Effects Of Virgin Coconut Oil On Fasting Serum Glucose, Insulin, Ketone And Tri-Glyceride Concentrations Among Indonesia Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetics

Diabetes mellitus is a condition characterized by high blood glucose due to insulin resistence. Dietary regimen is one important component of diabetic management. Virgin coconut oil (VCO), a source of medium chain fatty acid, has been postulated to improve blood glucose and lipid profile of non-insulin dependent diabetics, due to its readyness to provide energy to body cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of integrated VCO in diabetic regiment diet, on fasting serum glucose, insulin, ketone and triglyceride concentrations. A randomized cross-over design study was conducted among 21 out-patient diabetics. Non-obese non-insulin dependent diabetics, aged <65 years old, with normal liver and renal functions, non-insulin users, good to moderate diabetic control were recruited. Every subject underwent two treatments for three weeks with one week wash out: control group received only diabetic regiment, while treatment group received 3x10mL/day VCO integrated in their diabetic regiment. Data on age, physical activity, body mass index (BMI), food intake using estimated food record method, fasting serum glucose, insulin, ketones, and triglyceride concentrations before and after treatment, were assessed. Subject’s  age ranged 40–64 years, 41% overweight, 64% with low physical activity, 36% moderate diabetic control, and were able to consume >80% of VCO regiment. Gastro-intestinal symptoms, especially soft stool and nausea, were experienced by 64% subjects. Majority of subjects consumed less energy, fiber and sucrose compared to dietary recommendation. Treatment group consumed higher energy, fat and saturated fatty acid as compared to control group. No difference of BMI, fasting serum glucose, insulin, ketone and triglyceride concentrations after integration of VCO in diabetic dietary regimen.

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