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Outcomes Of The First International Conference On Coconut Oil (ICCO 1 2015) And Its Strategies And Recommendations

This paper in reporting on ICCO1, traces development of the focus on policies and plans for coconut oil and its connections to the wider policy framework of the coconut industry in Asia Pacific. The Genesis of the First ICCO is given. Then the ICCO 1 proposed Vision, Goal, Outcomes and Actions required and recommended for Coconut Oil. These are presented here in the Policy/Strategic Action Plan framework prepared by around 120 stakeholders, from 21 countries, plus APCC, FAO and CIRAD, at ICCO 1, for APCC, FAO and other responsible international technical and funding agencies to act.


ICCO1 recommended embedding within the Asian Pacific Coconut Community (APCC), the major coconut international entity in the world, a future ICCO Biennial Conference and Network on coconut oil. This is envisioned to be the forum to sustain the revitalisation of interest in coconut oil on the part of the key international players, including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Asian Pacific Coconut Community (APCC), World Bank and other donors along with national and private sector support.


The following Specific Recommendations are suggested for COCOTECH 2016 country delegates.

1.       It is recommended that the International Strategic Action Plan go into the adopted Proceedings by country delegates at COCOTECH 2016 thus giving the Secretariat and Technical Working Group official approval to work with the designated Outcomes and Actions on coconut oil. 

2.       It is further recommended that the responsible national and international agencies take up the Actions designated in the Strategic Action Plan for Coconut Oil.

ICCO2, to be held in Bangkok in March–April 2017, will focus predominantly on the Strategic Action Plan Component I. Processing Technology and Certification of Coconut Oil, with a Conference Theme of Coconut Oil and Downstream Products, Quality and Processing.” You are cordially invited to attend and participate in presentation of papers, exhibits, displays, posters, field trips etc.

ICCO2 will also have a session to review and update the International Strategic Action Plan.

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