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Cord Farmer’s Preference For Coconut Varieties – A Participatory Analysis

Farmer’s preference for coconut varieties was determined through participatory analysis approach. The Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Ariyankuppam Commune Coconut Farmer’s Association and the Department of Agriculture, Government of Pondicherry undertook this study. Apart from the regular field visits, PRA tools such as transect walk were used for data collection. Farmers’ have characterized coconut varieties using matrix ranking.


Seven major types of coconut cultivars are under cultivation in Ariyankuppam. East Coast Tall Green (61%) followed by East Coast Medium Tall (30%) were the most preferred cultivars. Sevvelanir (a pink tinged coconut) is cultivated because of its medicinal properties for curing Jaundice. Participatory analysis showed that East Coast Tall (ECT) is the most preferred variety by the farmers in Ariyankuppam Community, which has scored comparatively higher ranking and higher adoption rate throughout the community. Soil development efforts coupled with irrigation and good quality planting materials by selecting mother palms, collecting seed nuts and raising the seedlings are the major reasons for higher level of coconut productivity in this region. The average net return was Rs.38, 250/ha.

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