
The FAO High Level Expert Consultation on Coconut Sector Development in Asia and the Pacific recommended to “Establish an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Network for Coconut Pests and Diseases and design and implement a programme for transfer of technology on Integrated Pest Management of coconut pests and diseases”.  This was part of the Regional Strategy for the Development of the Coconut Sector in Asia and the Pacific.  The 46th COCOTECH Conference, held in 2014 at Colombo, Sri Lanka followed through with a recommendation to develop a network project on evolving IPM Technologies for management of important pests and diseases. The strategic action recommended was “Establishment of the new proposed IPM network. Consultative meeting of entomologists and pathologists to address the emerging threats of pest and diseases of coconut.  APCC now ICC initiates action to organize the consultative meeting under FAO/ADB and other funding agencies”.  The 52nd APCC Session/Ministerial Meeting in Jakarta directed the APCC Secretariat to work on the establishment of the IPM Network.  Following this, a side meeting of country delegates, scientists and researchers from various coconut growing countries was convened during the 47th APCC COCOTECH Conference in Bali, Indonesia in September 2016.

The major recommendation of the consultative meeting was to convene an International Symposium on Coconut IPM Network in the Philippines in 2017 but was not pushed through.  Owing to recent pest and disease incursions among coconut growing countries, and new integrated pest management developments, the conduct of consultative meeting on IPM becomes timely and appropriate.