Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • The abstract should be written in English. It should be concise and clear, typically limited to 350 words maximum.
  • Topic should fit into one of the thematic areas in the program ( see here )
  • Follow the suggested format and content in this sample ( click here ).
  • Deadline for abstract submission is October 25, 2023
  • Register here to submit abstract.
  • Track the progress and acceptance of your abstract using the access code assigned to you.
  • Selected abstracts will be notified on or before October 31, 2023
  • Once accepted, a full paper is required to be submitted for inclusion in the conference proceedings.


Poster Preparation & Presentation Guidelines

  • Size: 60 cm x 160 cm, Portrait
  • Resolution: minimum of 500 dpi
  • File type: pdf
  • Camera ready poster for printing submission: November 15, 2023
  • Posters will be printed by the ISC secretariat
  • Posters could be  installed as early as November 26, 2023 and removed not later than November 30, 2023
  • Drop box to deposit questions regarding the poster will be available in designated places in the poster session venue.


Full Paper Guidelines for Oral Technical Paper Presenters: