50th International COCOTECH Conference & Exhibition
7-11 November 2022 - Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia
The Biggest Technical Conference of Coconut Sector

Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy for a Resilient and Sustainable Coconut Agroindustry

50th International COCOTECH Conference and Exhibition is the largest technical conference dedicated solely on coconut development. The event is scheduled to be held phisically in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is organized by  International Coconut Community (ICC) in association with Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries Government of Malaysia. The theme for the conference is “Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy for a Resilient and Sustainable Coconut Agroindustry”. The conference will highlight global issues related to climate change, policy coherence to climate change, solution for resilient and sustainable coconut agroindustry and farmers livelihood, agronomic and genetic adaptation to climate change, sustainable conservation and utilization coconut genetic resources,  promoting the development of green export of coconut products and role of coconut products in enhancing public health and disease prevention. Experts from research and development institutions, industries and private sectors will be sharing their knowledge and experiences in this conference. Minimum 500 participants across the globe are expected to attend this conference and exhibition.

Established in 1969, the ICC is an independent intergovernmental organization which consists of 20 member countries and accounts for 85-90% of the world production of coconut. The ICC member countries are: the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Kiribati, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Salomon Islands, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, Timor Leste, Vanuatu and Vietnam.   

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