Coconut Cream


Coconut cream, which is similar to coconut milk but has a thicker and paste-like consistency than coconut milk, is mostly utilized as a fat source. Approximately 2500 kg of coconut milk and 500 kilogram of residual grating can be obtained from 10,000 mature nuts. During the manufacturing of cream, food additives such as emulsifiers and stabilizers are added to coconut milk. This mixture was thoroughly mixed to get the desired consistency before being transferred to plate heat exchangers for pasteurization (80°C) and hot filling into the container. Once opened, it had a shelf life of roughly 6 months. It can be used straight or diluted with water to produce fish and meat meals, curries, desserts, deserts, puddings, cakes, cookies, jam, and ice cream. The yield of tofu was improved when coconut cream was added to the soy milk. Coconut fat does not include trans-fatty acids, but it does contain monoglycerides, which are quickly absorbed and turned into energy by the body. Because fat is readily processed and not stored in the body, it does not convert to harmful cholesterols that can clog arteries. As a result, the risk of heart disease is reduced.

This Standard applies to packaged aqueous coconut milk and coconut cream products, as defined in Section 2, and offered for direct consumption, including for catering purposes or for repacking if required. It does not apply to the product when indicated as being intended for further processing or to sweetened and/or flavored coconut milk or cream.

Description of the product
2.1. (a) prepared by:
i)    using a significant amount of separated, whole, disintegrated, macerated or comminuted fresh endosperm (kernel) of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) and expelled, where most filterable fibres and residues are excluded, with or without coconut water, and/or with additional water; or 
ii)    reconstituting coconut cream powder with potable water; or
iii)    dispersing finely comminuted dehydrated coconut endosperm with potable water; or
iv)    combining (i) and (iii) above.

(b) processed by heat, in an appropriate manner, before or after being hermetically sealed in a container, so as to prevent spoilage.

2.2. Styles
Coconut cream is the emulsion extracted from matured endosperm (kernel) of the coconut fruit with or without any addition of coconut water/water and complies with the requirements in Section 3 of this Standard.
Coconut cream concentrate is the product obtained after the partial removal of water from coconut cream and complies with the requirements in Section 3 of this Standard.

Codex (CXS 240-2003)
MS (Malaysian Standard) 2684:2017 
TIS (Thailand Industrial Standard)582-1985
SLS (Sri Lanka standard) SLS1365
FSSAI (Food Safety & Standard Authority of India)


A. Coconut Cream

Moisture Content (% m/m) Max 62.6
Total Solids (% m/m) Min 37.4
Solids Not-Fat (% m/m) Min 8.4
Fat (% m/m) Min 29.0
pH Min 5.9
Aerobic Plate Count 50 cfu/g
E Coli 0157 and Vero or Shiga toxin producing E. coli Absent per 25 g
Enterobacteriaceae ND as per prescribed method
Staphylococcus aureus (Coagulase +ve) Absent per 25 g
Listeria monocytogenes Absent per 25 g
Sulfide reducing clostridia (SRC) Absent per 25 g
Vibrio cholerae Absent per 25 g
Salmonella Absent per 25 g

B. Coconut Cream Concentrate

Moisture Content (% m/m) Max 74.6
Total Solids (% m/m) 25.4
Solids Not-Fat (% m/m) Min 5.4
Fat (% m/m) Min 20.0
pH Min 5.9
Aerobic Plate Count 50 cfu/g
E Coli 0157 and Vero or Shiga toxin producing E. coli Absent per 25 g
Enterobacteriaceae ND as per prescribed method
Staphylococcus aureus (Coagulase +ve) Absent per 25 g
Listeria monocytogenes Absent per 25 g
Sulfide reducing clostridia (SRC) Absent per 25 g
Vibrio cholerae Absent per 25 g
Salmonella Absent per 25 g

5.1. It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this Standard be prepared and handled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice – General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969), Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice for Aseptically Processed and Packaged Low-Acid Foods (CAC/RCP 40-1993), Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice for Low-Acid and Acidified Low-Acid Canned Foods (CAC/RCP 23-1979) and other relevant Codex texts such as codes of hygienic practice and codes of practice.
5.2. The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with the Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997).

Labelling and Packaging
The name of the food on the label shall be “Coconut Milk”. The provisions of the General Standard for the labelling of Pre-packaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1 – 1985, Rev. 7 - 2010) shall apply.

Methods of Analysis and Sampling
-    ISO 1211 | IDF 1 for Total fats
-    ISO 6731 | IDF 21 for Total solids
-    ISO 1211 | IDF 1, ISO 6731 | IDF 21 for Non-fat solids
-    ISO 6731 | IDF 21 for Moisture

Story Of Coconut Cream

The author is the ow ner/ president of the Samoa Coconut Products Ltd., the largest coconut cream manufacturer in Western Samoa. As a pioneer in this venture in a relatively small coconut producing country in the Pacific, Mr. Fitzpatrick shares with Cocoinfo the ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ and how his company... read more

Advanced Processing Technologies For Coconut Milk, Coconut Cream , Coconut Mlik Powder And VCO

Coconut milk based industries are becoming more attractive to local entrepreneurs andgrowth of export volumes are evident as per Coconut Development Authority records. Sri Lankan entrepreneurs export Coconut Cream. Coconut Milk & coconut milk powder as coconut milk base productsfor worldwide distribution. Most volumes are industrial bulks which are sentto... read more

Shelf Life and Quality Evaluation of Deep Frozen Coconut Cream, Coconut Scrapings and Coconut Slices

Coconut kernel is the major energy source in the diets of coconut producing countries. Ready to use coconut milk/kernel has a great demand in the market specifically for its nutty flavor. Studies were conducted to evaluate the storage quality of deep frozen coconut cream, scraped coconut and coconut slices. Coconut... read more