Join Visit of ICC and NAM-CSSTC to Lampung Province


The team of ICC and NAM-CSSTC ,Jakarta  have visited Lampung Province, one of the Indonesia’s biggest coconut producing province  from 5-9 April 2021. The ICC team was led by Dr. Jelfina C. Alouw, Executive Director; accompanied by  Ms. Mridula, Assistant Director; Mr. Alit Pirmansah, Marketing & Statistics Officer; Mr. Otniel Sintoro, Information & Publication Officer, and Ms. Sri Hartati, Administrative Assistant. While the NAM-CSSTC team were H.E. Ambassador, Mr. Diar Nurbintoro; Mr. Edi Supriyatno, Administrative, and Financial Assistant Director; Mr. Suroso, Documentation Staff, and Mr. Syahroni, General Affairs Staff.

The main purpose of the field visit is to... read more

Half a Truth is Often a Great Lie: On Coconut Oil and Heart Disease


On January 4th, 2021, the New York Times published an article entitled “Does Coconut Oil Deserve Its Health Halo?”[i], which challenged the health properties of coconut oil and the claims that it is a “miracle food.”

While it is wrong to tout coconut oil as a “miracle food”, it is equally wrong to criticize it based on half-truths.

This article presents the other half of the truth on three issues that were brought up in the article: LDL cholesterol, lauric acid, and the coconut diet.

Half-truth #1: Coconut oil raises “artery-damaging” LDL cholesterol

There... read more

Visit of Executive Director and Assistant Director, ICC to Morotai Island Regency, North Maluku


Dr. Jelfina C.Alouw, Executive Director, and Ms. Mridula Kottekate, Assistant Director, visited Morotai Island Regency from 19th to 24th March 2021.

Team of Balit Palma, Manado, North Sulawesi under the leadership Prof. Meldy L. A.HosangMs., Sukmawati Mawardi, a coconut breeder, and Ms. Juniaty Kalesaran Sundalangi, an Entomologist, also joined the ICC team at Morotai Island Regency. The main objective of the survey is to assess the current situation relating to coconut palms showing symptom similar to Phytoplasma infection and to collect the sample from coconut garden at Morotai as informed by scientist from Balit Palma. This visit is as part of the... read more