@article{D. Rajasenan_Rajeev B._2013, title={Stakeholders’ Perception of Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme: A Study on the Coastal States of India}, volume={29}, url={https://www.apccsec.org/index.php/journalicc/article/view/91}, DOI={10.37833/cord.v29i1.91}, abstractNote={<p>The Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) is a mechanism, devised to endow effective risk management aid, to those coconut growers who are likely to be impacted by non-preventable natural factors as well as pests and diseases. This study analyses the perception of the stakeholders for drawing empirical validity, so as to appraise sustainability of CPIS as a measure towards financial inclusion. 528 samples, encompassing Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Goa and Maharashtra states, classified into three regions, were taken using multi-stage proportionate random sampling technique with a view to develop a recurrent scheme to assist the coconut growers. Analyses and inferences, based on Factor Analysis, point out that growers across the regions are convinced that the scheme is necessary for a crop like coconut and, accordingly, the scheme seems to have achieved its goal.</p&gt;}, number={1}, journal={CORD}, author={D. Rajasenan and Rajeev B.}, year={2013}, month={Apr.}, pages={11} }