COCONUT MITE, (Aceria guerreronis, Keifer) – Bibliography

  • Ponniah Rethinam
  • Muhartoyo
Keywords: Coconut Mite, Chemical Control, Symptoms


Coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis, Keifer, which made its first appearance as pest in Mexico in 1965 as reported by Keifer, has spread far and wide. Now that 37 years have passed. Research efforts have been made on various aspects of this pest like, origin, occurrence, dispersal, symptoms, population dynamics, management practices like chemical control, bio control, cultural practices, varietal resistance/ tolerances, natural enemies, phytosanitary efforts etc. Two international seminars/ workshops have been held. Many group discussions, steering committee meetings, etc. were also held. Lots of publications have come. An earnest attempt has been made to collect the available literature on this pest which can benefit the member countries and others to know what has been done and what directions one has to move for future research and development. However, this bibliography is not the completed one. There may be many more and we will update as and when we get access to those references. We are confident that this bibliography will help to avoid duplication and take up need based research and development on Eriophyid mite.


Amrine, Jr. J.W. and Stasny, T.S. (1994). Catalog of the Eriophyoidea (Acarina : Prostigmata) of the world. Indira Publishing House, Michigan, USA, 804 pp.
Anderson, E.A. (1969). Plants, Man & Life. University of California Press, Berkeley, 251 p.
Anon., (1989). Eriophyes guerreronis. Olegineux, 44: 130 131.
Anonymous. (1986). Bayer report. 7pp.
Aquino, M.L.N. de, Flechtmann, C.H.W. and Arruda, G.P. (1968). Contribuicaó ao estudo do acaró causador da necrose do olho do coqueiro em Pernambuco a seu controle. Boletim Tecnico 34, Secretaria de Agricultura, IPA, Recife, 15pp.
Arulmozhi, K. (2000). Containing the eriophyid mite in coconut. In Proceedings International Workshop on Coconut Mite, CRI. Sri Lanka, pp.50-53
Bateman, R. (1998) Delivery systems and protocols for biopesticides. lit: F.R. Hall and J.J. Menn (eds.). Methods in Biotechnology, Vol 5: Biopesticides: Use and Delivery, Totowa N.J: Humana Press, pp.509 528.
Bateman, R., Carey, M., Moore, D. and Prior, C. (1993). Oil formulations of entomopathogenic fungi infect desert locust at low humidities. Annals of Applied Biology 122: 145 152.
Becerra Leor, E. N. (1983). Plagas y enfermedades del cocotero (Cocos nucifera L.). EN: Simposio Nacional de Parasitologia Agricola. Memorias. Jalapa, Veracruz. IAP: pp. 27 30.
Bellotti, A.C., Smith, L. and Lapointe, S.L. (1999). Recent advances in cassava pest management. Annual Review of Entomology 44: 343 370.
Blanford, S. and Thomas, M.B. (1999). Host thermal biology: the key to understanding host pathogen inter¬actions and microbial pest control? Agricultural and Forest Entomology 1 : 195 202.
Boucias, D.G., Farmerie, W.G. and Pendland, J.C. (1998). Cloning and sequencing of cDNA of the insecticidal toxin hirsutellin A. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 72: 258 261.
Boucias, D.G., McCoy, C.W. and Joslyn D.J. (1982). Isozyme differentiation among 17 geographical isolates of Hirsutella thompsonii. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 39: 329 337.
Brady, B. L. (1981). Fungi as parasites of insects and mites. Biocontrol News and lnformation 2 (4): 281 296.
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Cabrera R. I. y Carmen Dfaz, M. del (1995). Eficacia de un programa de saneamiento y control quimico para reducir la reinfestacion y los danos del acaro del cocotero Eriophyes gurerreronis. Datos sin publicar.
Cabrera, R. 1. (1980). Estudio de la distribucion geografica del hongo Hirsutella thompsonii en [as diferentes zonas citricolas del pas. Cienc. y tecn. en la Agricultura. Cftricos y otros Frutales. 3(3): 19 32.
Cabrera, R. 1. (1995). Un medio a base de soya mas azucar para la produccion de Hirsutella thompsonii var. thompsonii en medio liquido. III Encuentro Nac. Cient Tec. de Bioplaguicidas. Expo CREE, La Haban, Cuba. pp 1 1 12.
Cabrera, R. I. (1977). Estudio en Cuba de Hirsutella thompsonii Fisher. Control biologico del acaro del moho Phylloeoptruta oleivora Ashm. Agrotecnia de Cuba 9 (11): pp.3 1 1.
Cabrera, R. I. (1982). El hongo Hirsutella thompsonii y su importancia en el control del acaro del cocotero. Eriophyes guerreronis en Cuba. 1era Jornada Cient. Inst. de Zool., A.C.C. La Habana, Resumen. pp. 46.
Cabrera, R. I. (1991). El ácaro Eriophyes guerreronis, su importancia economica y métodos de lucha. Resena. Boletin especial. CIDA: pp.40.
Cabrera, R. I. (1992). Un medio simplificado para la produccion a gran escala del hongo Hirsutella thompsonii en cultivo sumergido. Resumenes I Curso Internacional sobre produccion de Hirsutella para el control biologico de acaros. Guantanamo, Cuba.
Cabrera, R. I. y Dominguez, D. (1988). Hirsutella tydeicola, un nuevo entomopatogeno de Tydeus californicus para Cuba. En Primer Simposio de Zoología y Segundo Simposio de Botanica. Palacio de Convenciones. Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba. Libro de Resumenes. pp.127.
Cabrera, R. I. y Nora Sanchez. (1992). Metodologia para la aplicacion del hongo Hirsutella thompsonii en areas de citricos que requieran de su colonizacion y/o reposicion. I Curso Internacional sobre produccion de Hirsutella para el control biologico de acaros. Guantanamo, Cuba.: 4 pp.8 52.
Cabrera, R. I. y Sanpedro, L. (1992). Produccion del hongo Hirsutella thompsonii. I Curso Internacional sobre produccion de Hirsutella para el control biologico de acaros. Guantanamo, Cuba. pp. 29 42.
Cabrera, R. I., Dominguez, D. y Nora Sanchez. (1991). Metodologia para la produccion del hongo Hirsutella thompsonii en cultivo mixto. ENSAC, IICF, La Habana, pp.7.
Cabrera, R. I., G. Otero Colina y Rodriguez, N. (1992). Principales enemigos naturales del acaro del cocotero A. guerreronis (Eriophydae) en Cuba. Agrociencia. Proteccion vegetal 3(2): pp.83 89.
Cabrera, R.1. Dominguez, D. (1987a). El hongo Hirsutella nodulosa, nuevo parasito para el acaro del cocotero Eriophyes guerreronis. Ciencia y Tecnica en la Agricultura. Citricos y Otros Frutales. Vol. 10 (1): pp.41 51.
Cabrera, R. I., y Dominguez, D. (1987b). Hirsutella nodulosa a Hirsutella kirchneri dos nuevos hongos patogenos del acaro del moho P. oleivora. Cienc. y tecn. en la Agricultura. Citricos y otros Frutales 10(2): pp.139 142.
Cabrera, R. L, Nora Sanchez y Domiguez, D. (1992). Resultados en Cuba sobre la produccion del hongo Hirsutella thompsonii en cultivo mixto. I Curso Internacional sobre produccion de Hirsutella para el control biologico de acaros. Guantanamo, Cuba.
Cabrera, R.I. Cabrera (2000). Biological control of the coconut mite, Aceria guerrenis (Acari: Eriophyidae) with the fungus Hirsutella thompsonii and its integration with other control methods. In Proceedings International Workshop on Coconut Mite, CRI. Sri Lanka, pp. 89-103
Cabrera, R.I., Caceres, I. and Dominguez, D. (1987). Estudio de dos especies del bongo de Hirsutella y sus hospedantes en el cultivo de la guayaba Psidium guajava. Agrotecnia Cuba 19: pp.29 34.
Cabrera, R.I., Otero Colina, G. and Rodriguez, N. (1992). Principales enemigos naturales del acaro del
Cabrera, R.I. (2000). Biological control of the coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyoidea) with the fungus Hirsutella thompsonii and its integration with other control methods. Paper presented at "International Workshop on coconut eriophyid mite" held at CRI, Sri Lanka, Jan. 5 7, 2000. 15 pp.
Cabrera. R. I. N. Rivero y Gonzalez, R. (1981). Primeros eetudios comparativos del control biologico y quimico del acaro del moho (Phyllocoptruta oleivora) Memorias ler. Cong. Nac. de Citricos y otros Frutales. Tomo II: pp.63 89.
Carbrera, R.I. and Dominguez, D. (1987). El hongo Hirsutella nodulosa, nucvo parasito para el acaro del cocotero Eriophyes guerreronis. Ciencia y Tecnica en la Agricultura, citricos y otros Frutales, 10: pp.4 I 51.
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De Moraes, G.J. (2000). Use of predatory mites for the control of eriophyid mites. In Proceedings International Workshop on Coconut Mite, CRI. Sri Lanka, pp.78-88
Doraisamy, Sabitha, K. Ramaraju, P. Karuppuchamy and S. Palaniswamy (2002). Present status of eriophyid mite damage on coconut and its management. In Intensified Coconut Production with Floriculture Edited by H.P. Singh and Sugata Ghose., Coconut Developmen Board, India. pp46-54.
Doreste, E. (1968). El acaro de la flor del cocotero (Aceria guerreronis, Keifer) en Venezuela. Agionoinia Tropical 18 (3): 379 386).
Espinosa Becerril, A.; Carrillo Sanchez, J.L. (1986). The fungus Histutella thompsonii Fisher of the control of eriophyid Eriophyes gerreronis (Keifer). Agricultura Tecnica en Mexico v. 12 (2) p319-323.
Estebanes Gonzalez, M.L. (1976). Acaros depredadores deEriophyes guerrernnis (Keifer) en la zona de Tecpan de Galeana, Gro. Folia Entomol. Mexicana 39/40: 41 42.
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Fernando, L.C.P.; Wickramananda, I.R. and Aratchige, N.S. (2000). Status of Coconut Mite, Aceria guerreronis in Sri Lanka. In Proceedings International Workshop on Coconut Mite, CRI. Sri Lanka, pp1-8
Fisher, F.E. (1950). Two new species of Hirsutella Patouillard. Mycologia 42 (2): 290 297.
Flechtmann, C.H. W (1989). Cocos weddelliana H. Wendl. (Palmae: Arecaceae), a new host plant for Eriophyes guerreronis (Keifer, 1965) (Acari: Eriophyidae) in Brazil. lnternational Journal of Acarology 15: 241.
Frankenhuyzen, K. van (1993). Bacillus thuringiensis. An environmental biopesticide: Theory and Practice, PF. Entwistle, J.S. Cory, M.J. Bailey and S. Higgs (Eds). John Wiley and Sons Ltd. pp. I 35.
Garcia, R. V. de M., Carmona. M. (1968) Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acarina: Eriophydae). Uma especie nova para S.Tome a Pricipe. Acta Bioltigica 10(3): 353 358.
Geethhalakshmi, L. and Rabindra, R.J. (2000). Effect of eriophyid mite infestation on button shedding and quality parameters in coconut. Paper presented in group meeting on coconut eriophyid mite, Aceria guerreronis K. on 15th May, 2000 at Tamil Nadu Agri¬cultural University, Coimbatore 3.
Gerson, U., Kenneth, R. and Muttah, T. I. (1979). Hirsuttella thompsonii, a fungal pathogenic of mites. 11. Host¬-pathogen interactions. Ann. Appl. Biol. 91: 29 40.
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Griffith, R. (1984). The problem of the coconut mite, Eriophyes guerreronis (Keifer), in the coconut groves of Trinidad and Tobago. In: R, Webb, W. Knausenberger and L. Yntema (Eds.). Proc. 20th Ann. Meet¬ing of the Caribbean Food Crops Soc. East Caribbean Center, College of the Virgin Islands and Carib¬bean Food Crops Soc., St. Croeix, Virgin Islands, USA. pp.128 132
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Gupta, YN. and Gupta, S.K. (1978). On a collection of tetranychoid mites from Madhya Pradesh, India, with a description of a new Eotetranychus(Acari: Trombidiformes). Indian J. Acarol. 3: 87 91.
Gutierrez, J. and Schicha, E. (1984). Phytoseiidae and Tetranychoidea in Fiji and other South Pacific Islands (Acari). Int. J. Entomol. 26(4): 386 388.
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Hall, R.A; Hussey, N.W., Mariau, D. (1980). Results of a survey of biological control agents of the coconut mite, Eriophyes guerreronis. Oleageneux 35: 395 400.
Hall, R.A. and Espinosa B., A., (1981). The coconut mite, Eriophyes guerreronis, with special refer¬ence to the problem in Mexico. Proc. 1981 British Crop Protection Conf. Pests and Diseases, British Crop Protection Council. Farnham, UK, pp. 113 120.
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Hernandez Roque, F. (1977). Combate quimico del eriofido del cocotero Aceria (Eriophyes) guerreronis (K). Agricultura Tecnica. Mexico 4 (1): 23 38.
Hessein, N.A. and Perring, TM. (1986). Feeding habits of the Tydeidae with evidence of Honieoproneincitits anconai (Acari: Tydeidae) predation on Aculops lycopersici (Acari: Eriophyidae). hit. J. Acarol. 12 (4): 215 221.
Howard, F.W, Abreu Rodriguez, E. and Denmark, H.A. (1990). Geographical and seasonal distribution of the coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae), in Puerto Rico and Florida, USA. Journal of Agriculture of University Ptterto Rico 74 (3): 237 251.
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Julia, J.F. and Mariau, D., (1979). Nouvelles researches en Cote d'Ivoire sur Eriophyes guerreronis K., acarien ravageur des noix du cocotier. Oleagineux, 34: 181 189.
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Kamala Thirumalaiswamy, S. Senthil, J. Rajkumar, M. Thangaraj and P S. Srinivasan. (2000). Root feeding of nutrients and growth regulators for inducing resistance and rejuvenation of coconut palms infested by eriophyid mite. Paper presented in group meeting on coco¬nut eriophyid mite, Aceria guerreronis K. on 15th May, 2000 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 3.
Kannaiyan, S.; Kumar, K.; Gopalsamy, G.; P Yasotha and K. Ramaraju. (2000a). Evaluation of a formulation based on plant products, bio¬cides and agrochemicals for its efficacy against eriophyid mite in coconut. Paper presented in Interactive workshop on coco¬nut eriophyid mite held on 19th May, 2000 at Tamil Nadu Agri-cultural University, Coimbatore 3.
Kannaiyan, S., Rabindra, R.J.; Ramaraju, K.; Sabitha Doraiswamy (2002). Integrated Management of eriophyid mite on coconut. Tamil Nadu University, Coimbatore, India.
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Karuppuchamy, P.; Rabindra, R.J. and R. Philip Sridhar. (2001). Evaluation of spot application of insecticides for the management of coconut eriophyid mite Aceria guerreronis Keifer. In: IPM in Horticul¬tural Crops: Emerging trends in the new millenium (Eds: Abraham Verghese and P.Parvatha Reddy), IIHR, Bangalore. 11 112.
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Kuttalam, S.; Manoharan, T.; Chandrasekaran, S., Jayakumar, R.; Ramaraju, K. Chinniah, C. and K. Vijayalakshmi. (2001). Profenofos Insecticide residues in coconut after root feeding. Paper pre¬sented in National seminar on Emerging Trends in Pests and Diseases and their Management on 11 13th October, 2001 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 3.
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How to Cite
Ponniah Rethinam, & Muhartoyo. (2003). COCONUT MITE, (Aceria guerreronis, Keifer) – Bibliography. CORD, 19(01), 34.