Biological Studies on Dipha aphidivora Meyrick (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera): A Potential Predator of Coconut Mealybugs in the Philippines

  • J.C. Orense
  • M.L.R. Imperial
Keywords: Dipha aphidivora, Sangicoccus sp., predator, biology


Dipha (Conobathra) aphidivora Meyrick (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera) is recorded for the first time as a predator of coconut mealybug, Sangicoccus sp. (Eriococcidae: Homoptera)) in the Philippines. Some aspects of its biology and ecology were studied to determine its suitability as a biological control agent against Sangicoccus sp.

The life history of D. aphidivora was investigated following the establishment of a rearing procedure. The incubation period of the egg was 4.64±0.70 days. The four larval instars larva were completed in 5.52±0.92, 3.40±0.91, 2.83±0.72 and 3.40±1.04 days, respectively. Adults emerged from pupae after 7.68± 0.99 days. Adult longevity was 6.83 ± 2.30 days. The life cycle of D. aphidivora lasted for 32.42±3.63 days.

Voracity tests showed that the four larval instars of the predator consumed an average of 150 mealybugs.

Author Biographies

J.C. Orense

PCA-Albay Research Center Banao, Guinobatan, Albay 4503 Philippines

M.L.R. Imperial

PCA-Albay Research Center Banao, Guinobatan, Albay 4503, Philippines


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How to Cite
J.C. Orense, & M.L.R. Imperial. (2010). Biological Studies on Dipha aphidivora Meyrick (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera): A Potential Predator of Coconut Mealybugs in the Philippines . CORD, 26(2), 6.